if (y/n) was a yandere.

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Requested by AmAbbyowo!

Me: i feel like shit, i need to take a break from writing.

Also me, who wrote fucking essays worth of scenarios on my 'break': ...Alexander hamilton...my name is Alexander HamiLTON-


Honestly, she gives no fucks, just let her do her thing and she gives no shits if chaos reins behind you....just don't stalk her, that's her thing.


....he may get worried, odly enough he wouldn't be worried about himself, he'd be worried because Yanderes usually have trauma behind their motives for actions, mono would feel like you need hugs for the rest of your life.


There is absolutely no AU where he is not a yandere for (y/n), so if (y/n) is a yandere...they would be an absolutely menacing couple, killing anybody in their path...eerie.


...he thinks its hot. The way you practically obliterate people that try to hurt him and act so obsessed towards him makes him really turned on....he would definitely like a yandere (y/n).

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The majestic and the menace, a truly wondrous pair that nobody dares to mess with, a pure woman with power by connections and a darkness lurking behind her that's ready to kill...amazing.


He barely gives two shits, he likes you killing people, cause dead bodies are fun to experiment with, and kidnapping people is also fun cause live subjects are great too, but it might get to the point where there's more dead people around the hospital than there are patients.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

....yandere means you love him, right? Like, so much that you would never leave him..? He loves it.


She will ground your ass in timeout if you kill somebody, she is an absolute adult and will not take shit from anybody, she loves you dearly, but she will not allow you to bloody your hands just because You're afraid somebody will take her away from you.


Yandere...? Please explain! He doesn't get the aspect of it, and honestly he would get worried or even sad if he thinks You're killing people because of him, so its better off to not tell him.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

...alright. She doesn't mind it at all, what you do in your free time doesn't concern her, i mean, she breaks the pretenders dolls and hides to see her freak out in her free time, that's kind of like your murder....definitely as dangerous.


They love knowing that you're obsessed with them, because they are absolutely obsessed with you! You're all just a group of godamn yanderes...absolutely fucking terrifying.


Well....if she can take their clothes and put them on her pretty dolls, then she'll allow murder in her name.


One is all for it, one very much objects it...the one that's fine with it might help you with a hit list, they know a lot of poisonous methods, and getting rid of people that piss them off will be nice.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She has a body count that's probably bigger than yours...she might challenge you to a kill-off, she gives no fucks on why you kill for her, she just likes that you can help her off people.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Some wouldn't mind, but quite a few would be against it, they don't want you to come to regret the death you cause, they know how bad regrets can haunt you once you cant do anything about them.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My my, you two are quite a pair, the one who kills for pure amusement and the one who kills to keep the crazy one around forever, he would laugh so damn hard when he finds out, such irony that somebody that used to be so kind ended up evil like him.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

....he is so much more yandere than you will ever be, you can never change that. He is ×10 on everything, even if you have a big kill count, all the horrific things he's done for you will out-crazy you every time.


The yandere and the one that heavily simps for the yandere...great pair. You'll kill and he'll just stare with a lovesick smile and help you clean the blood....i can't tell if he's crazy or just so in love that he doesn't realize how fucked up the situation is.

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