random headcannons.

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Has anyone noticed bugs in this book? Ive seen a lot of comment notifications, but it mostly says theres errors when i click to see them..its odd.

This is just something ive been working on for the past week or so, so since ive finished it, this can be a two chapter in one day thing! ^^



-she smells like bread and wet hair, for some reason it never goes away.

-is afraid to take off her raincoat since the tower incident, she's seen how others were affected, she's afraid of what she'll look like.

-since shes constantly hungry, shes probably eaten some food in questionable places...she once ate cheese that was stuck in a storm drain, its like shes never disgusted as long as theres anything with edible stuff involved.

-her hair is so tangled that when she once tried to brush it, she broke the brush.


-loves cooked meat, since most of his diet is quickly found food like scraps of food from the viewers homes or bread hidden somewhere, he is always really happy when he has a normal warm meal. cooked meat is his favorite thing, especially pork.

-he smells like cut grass and a forest after rain, even though hes usually not wet or in grass.

-he once tried to walk in the streets in a rain storm, the water was so strong that it swept him up, he ended up in a street over.

-has tried to put on shoes, but he has a shoe size that he cant find in any homes, so he just walks around bare foot.


-always smells like a lake or moss.

-has tried to cook once, ended up burning a sausage, now he doesn't like sausages because he can still smell the burnt one.

-hes probably cold a lot, most of his gameplay involves water, so he probably has colds a lot due to a weak immune system and cold body.

-his flashlight has a little nome drawing on it, he thinks of it as his flashlight buddy.


-smells like an animal, and dust.

-you tried to make him take a bath once, the water was so gross after..

-his favorite thing to hunt are deer or bucks, they fun, he likes the hunt.

-he escaped to the woods as a child and lived out a life with little to no human contact, so when you came, he had no idea what to do.

-he is severely touch starved, before you appeared, he didn't see a human since he was probably around 8, so any human touch makes him feel extremely happy and loved,  hug him and he might tear up.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-is only the mom of the group because she had to mature very quickly in life [the six Lady theory-]

-her answer to sadness is tea and cuddles with you.

-you brought a bird from the depths of the maw, she got attached to it and now its your guys' baby, she named it peck.

-she loves to brush your hair, she finds it extremely satisfying and she may even doze off if she does it for a long time.


-wherever he goes, the smell of blood and plastic packaging follows.

-before meeting you, he tried to make a child out of prosthetics, but got too depressed of it and put it away, when he started dating you, he started secretly building it again.

-He has at least once tried to make an intelligent patient, and it ended in it becoming so smart that it tried to strangle him and escape...now he flinches whenever one starts moving.

-is terrified of ants, bring one near him and he'll fall to the floor and scoot away from you...get an ant farm and he wont enter whatever room they're in, its a power That's really useful at times.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-because hes a future mono that was locked away since childhood, he never knew what it was like to be a kid, or teenager for that fact, so when you came, he decided he'd live out what he missed with you by his side.

-for some reason he smells like old furniture and...something sweet, you don't know what yet.

-he loves playing games and joking around with you, it makes him happier than anything anything to see you smile and laugh with him.

-he tried to play tag with you, but he tripped and fell...into a TV, He was lost in the City and felt like he was gonna cry, once you finally found him, he refused to let you go for the rest of the day.


-Smells like fruit, even though you've never seen her eat fruit.

-has a special little girl she calls her teachers pet, and shes probably the only one whos constantly calm and happy.

-she can and will throw children into detention if they start biting.

-her neck once got caught in a window when she was looking outside, it didnt choke her, but she was stuck there for a few hours.

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-hes always so wholesome, doesnt matter whats going on, just...always wholesome

-he once fell down a flight of stairs because he thought he was in his room.

-smells like fresh clothes and wood chips...no, he doesnt know why either.

-if you record a video of you humming or just talking, he'll listen to it when you're not around because your voice makes him happy.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-one time she accidentally turned and kissed you, she was so embarrassed that she wouldn't look you in the eyes for an entire week.

-smells like that weird black stuff on old metal and moss.

-her hair is so long that it tangles easily, so she'll let you brush it some nights, and although she'll never admit it, she likes that you do it for her.

-accidentally fell on a doll and broke it once, you have never seen more panic in her eyes than when she heard the pretender coming.


-some are sappy and cheesy, some are tsunderes, and some are full blown yandere about you, its like having a million personalies in love with you.

-if one kisses you, the others will try to, no matter what personality they have, they are all extremely jealous and possessive of you.

-they all smell like chalk and soapy water, exept for a few girl ones who smell like flowers, even though you've never seen flowers in the school.

The pretender~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-always has a narcissistic goal, no matter what she does, 'wash the dress so i can look beautiful' or 'go outside so everyone can see how pretty i am', stuff like that.

-always smells Like a really expensive perfume, like roses and vanilla.

-you have only once seen her wear something besides her dresses, it was a T shirt and some baggy pants, she was yelling about her clothes being mixed up...she was so angry.

-extremely easy to piss off, sometimes she'll be yelling, other times she'll be laughing and drinking tea...shes a ticking time bomb of emotion.

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