short s/o

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Requested by xXSpiritwolf99Xx!

All my life people have said getting your ears pierced doesnt hurt...godamn LIARS-


Well, shes short too, you two can be short together...just don't call her short or she'll actually get pissy.


Easier to pick you up? Yay!! He loves it more than life itself! He can just randomly grab you and start walking somewhere, short (y/n) is great (y/n)!


Doesn't mind at all, he likes you needing him for getting stuff on tall places, hes overall happy you need him.


Fucker makes it a teasing target, he calls you nicknames like shortstack or teeny...hes never seen a 'shortstack' tackle and beat the shit out of him, maybe now he'll think twice.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pays no mind to your height, you're still her lover no matter what size you are, if someone even mentions it she may get mad at them.


At least you dont have to be a lab assistant, everythings really high up, so you got out of a payless job!

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doesnt care, as long as you watch dumb shows with him and make jokes then he gives no care, inner children are forever,  no matter what size!


Has made a few jokes about you being a student, but after the time you legitimately started going to her classes and plotting with the students, she stopped teasing.


Probably knows you're not at average size from having to find you for head pats, but he doesn't mind, hes short too, you two can be short together!

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shes a little shorter than most kids too, so you two are the short but horrifying kids, and honestly she doesn't mind that title.


They like to tease about it, but a lot of them are short too, so it ends up rubbing salt in wound they've made themselves, its funny to see, they start teasing you and stop mid sentence because they remember they're just as smol.


Commands the butler to find a dress that fits you perfectly so the end doesnt trip you, shes gonna make you pretty as h e c k, and long clothes arent gonna stop her.


They don't have to worry about you falling in pots if you cant reach them, so yay! Although a helper for the spices would be nice, they put a lot of stuff high up...they can always get a ladder though.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shes short too, but she refuses to admit it, so she'll tease and bully you for it even though shes the exact same height...shes odd.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A lot of them are short too, they dont mind any sizes, you're still their light no matter how tall or short you may be.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Can you still hold rocks to throw at windows and viewers? Then he doesn't care, as long as you can still cause chaos with him he'll never mind a single flaw.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Says he doesn't care and will treat you the same, but you notice that anything you would need is up high, so you ask for his help on reaching them, little do you know hes doing this intentionally so you'll always need him to get'll always need him, and he loves that.


Calls you is yin and him as your yang, since hes pretty tall for a kid his age, he thinks of you two as puzzle pieces, he may call you shortie a couple times, but in reality he couldn't care less about your size.

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