even MORE headcannons.

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My maladaptive daydreaming has got me spending hours of my day practically passed out in my own little world.

Never think that it'd be fun to have that. Its like a horrific itch in me to run off in my head, and its badly affecting my daily life...its to the point where im so lost in my head that i forget to eat....that said i forgot to eat today-


She has more cavities than a grown man with a sugar addiction.

She is always accidentally starving herself, she doesn't feel hungry until shes practically dying of hunger.

....she once almost ate a live bird. She thought it was dead but when she bit it the bird started screeching and pecking her. She doesn't like birds now.


Happy stims are constant and big. When he's really happy his happy stims to into overdrive and he just bounces and shakes his hands around.

If he had an S/O, he would be an absolute gentleman to them, he'd let them have his dusty coat if they were cold...he'd steal their coat too though.

He hums songs when he's bored, sometimes he spaces off and sings songs like 'bust your kneecaps' with a grin on his face. Its creepier to hear it when he has the bag off, then you can see the grin.

Ever seen a skinny little boy run faster than a grown man? You will if you watch him try to catch a running shadow. He's an athlete when it comes to wanting something.


He has very severe anxiety, to the point where he just doesn't speak, he overthinks and ends up regretting whatever he says. If he ever has long conversations with somebody, its a sign that he legitimately likes and trusts them.

He is an obsessive person, if he likes something, he will never leave it. If he likes someone...he will never let them leave him. Ever.

He has aquaphobia after his escape from the maw...the horrors he has seen in the water has ruined water altogether, if he ever falls into water, he will have a panic attack and just sink immediately.


He had a pet snake once. It bit his ass and he got mad at it, he picked it up and just...threw it, straight into the forest. He hasn't seen it since, but he gets paranoid that its coming for revenge.

He has extremely bad body dysmorphia thats really focused onto his chest/stomach. it kind of fluctuates into different sizes, some days he looks in the mirror to see just a horrific walking skin and bone man, other days he sees a chubby and overstuffed body that makes him disgusted, its a big reason on why he wears clothing that covers as much as he can get it to.

On that second headcanon note, if you ever see him shirtless, it means you two are in it for the long run, he's gotten to the point where he completely trusts you to not judge him or make him more disgusted of himself...he hopes you'll help him feel good about himself too.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She has an entire closet of tea, name a brand, she has it. Name a taste, you bet she fucking has it...you will never name a tea she does not have.

Her bird knows all the gossip of the maw, if it learns how to speak, miss Geisha will have a lot of explaining to do about the bird flying around and dissing the guests.

She has abs. You cant take this away from me, she has abs under that kimono. She is a strong independent woman that will pat your head but is completely able to snap your neck as well.

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