if you constantly tic/have tourettes.

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Requested by Wrenby404 and dontletmomfindout!!

Im sorry if its not so accurate, ive never met someone with tourettes or tics in general, although i have stress tics sometimes, im not sure if they're like tourettes tics, so hopefully i made this accurately, if not feel free to tell me anything i got wrong, i need more knowledge for my smol growing braim *-*


Doesnt get why you randomly click your tongue or squeak random words, but after a little bit, she'll understand you cant control them and love you all the same.


Almost immediately knows you cant control them [due to you accidentally slapping him and apologizing...then accidentally slapping him again.], if you do one like hitting your head or kicking something, he'll try to stop you so you cant accidentally hurt yourself.


You'll have to explain it to him, once you do though, he'll understand and not question why you do it anymore, although if your tics are vocal and say something scary, he'll probably be nervous of them, he loves you, but the tics are spooky...especially at night.


Actually a pretty good boyfriend with your tics, if they're physical and you slap or hit stuff, he'll repeat the actions to try and make you feel less embarrassed about it, if they're vocal, he'll just ignore them when they pop up, although if you tic vocally and say dirty stuff, he might try to go into 'action mode'...hit him.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Would be extremely understanding from the start, she understands you cant control it and supports and loves you all the same, she may even try to find a way to help you control them, or learn your triggers and keep them away.


Pulls out every research book he can so he knows everything he can do, but he finds that just observing how your tics/tourettes work is more useful than a book, if he finds any certain things that makes you have tic attacks, he'll immediately remove it from the hospital.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Child mind knows nothing of this, he knows its not your fault, but besides that he knows little to nothing, he may mimic some small tics of yours, like jerking around or clicking your tongue.


Doesnt mind, but if your tics get in a less child friendly zone of speech, she'll try to lecture you about it, only for her to remember you cant control it and apologize, yet the same thing happens the next day.

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This wholesome man will give no heckins about your tics, your his (y/n) and he loves you for everything, including your imperfections...this man is a simp and i LOVE IT.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Asks you to tell her why you had a tic attack and accidentally slapped the back of her head, she may be weary of you when she sees you tic near her...she doesn't trust your hands not to slap her again.


Most don't care, a few of them may have it too, and honestly some may think you having tics is amazing, they call it 'sentient body stuff', some sympathize, some think you're awesome, and some give no fucks.


Doesn't know what to do at first, but after a week or two of living with you, she'll be used to it and not bat an eye at slight or even severe tics, although if you accidentally hurt yourself she'll call for the butler and have you checked for injuries.


They will never leave you unsupervised in the kitchen, there are way too many hot things in there and they would be worried sick of you possibly having a tic that'll make you grab or hit something scalding hot...no kitchen for you.

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