their first impression on you.

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[I went through so many chapters and my private messages and i can't find who requested this. Whoever requested this, comment here and i tag you, i need to keep tabs on requests... ;-;]

Its midnight and im currently fighting myself to play video games all night because what else am i gonna do, sleep? H a h a

...i played video games all night, now im simping for MOTHERFUCKING CARLOS OLIVIEIRA-


More or less a bland introduction, just a small wave and maybe a nod in your direction, but besides that you Won't have much of a conversation for a few days.


He's always a gentleman, so even if he meets you while running away from a monster or just sitting in a house, he'll be really proper and kind to you.


This boy gets attached to you the very second he sees you, so now he just clings to you...his introduction was him nearly having a panic attack beside you due to the sudden burst of emotion.


He probably met you in one of his traps, but how he acted can be two different ways. 1; he got cocky and mocked you for getting caught. Or two; he got cocky and tried to flirt with you...then leaned on nothing and fell on a bear trap.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

shes a kind soul, just not to most strangers. She will be a cold bitch until she decides you're okay, then she's just a normal kind woman...she switches personalities uncomfortably quickly.


...want a lesson on surgical anatomy? No? Yes? Make up your mind, thats more or less your first interaction with him, he'll be doing work and he'll just ask you to join along....if you look threatening he might just throw a patient at you instead, but if you survive he'll probably apologize...or do it again, who knows?

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He will burst into tears, you're probably gonna be the first person he sees after the...incident, so he'll be really emotional, he absolutely adores you solely because he sees you as a sort of angel, helping him get away from his dark and quiet hell.


She's annoyed at everyone, so when she meets you, she'll be annoyed at you. You might be less annoying to her eventually, or she'll just always think you're annoying, either way she'll learn to tolerate you.


He's so kind and sweet to you, he greets you with a handshake and a big smile, its absolutely adorable, he just immediately thinks you're great and really amazing personality-wise.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She looks at you and just nods...that was pretty much the first greeting you guys got. Just a nod and a blank expression.


....they probably kidnapped you, im not gonna lie. One got you somehow somewhere and just dragged you back, now you're not allowed to leave and you're just aggressively loved.


She does not like outsiders, she sees them as filthy creatures. Although if she somehow takes a natural liking to you, she'll just nearly drown you in a giant bubble bath until she thinks the outsider stink is gone, Then you're liked by her.


One is suspicious of you, he doesn't really like talking to anybody but his sibling and the other staff, most likely because of how strange the guests can be. The other one just immediately likes you, they kind of adopt you in a way, the other twin has to deal with the human his sibling just kinda kidnapped from the hallway.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They most likely tried to kill you upon your first interaction, they probably tried to hunt you for reasons around boredom, hunger, or just cause they wanted something you had. If you survive its because they got amused with you and they just decided to keep you, you're their human now, they'll still kill you if you try to retaliate.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He...he probably kidnapped you. He most likely got bored, swooped you away in your sleep, and just sat next to you until you woke up, he acted like nothing was wrong about the situation, he was nice, an eerie way. He thought of you as a friend who he can make do chaotic things with him, he teaches you some really weird stuff, like how to make matches...this immediately won't end well.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


He was probably just roaming the streets when he saw you, he just immediately fell for you, he just stated stalking you after that, eventually you'd notice him, but he denies stalking you and instead says he was waiting until you left the area you were in because he wanted to search it...then asked if he could tag along with you for safety reasons. He immediately obsessed over being as close to you as he could, he thought of you as the only person in the world that could make him feel so happy by just standing beside he just won't let you leave his side. Good luck.


This boy probably accidentally broke into somewhere you were sleeping in, then it was just you having a staring contest with the sheet ghost thing. He probably started profusely apologizing once he realized how terrifying the scenario he just tags along with you, his excuse is he wants to find a way to apologize for the scary meeting, but now he just likes hanging out with you.

Pigtail girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She most likely met you after she found her way out of the hospital, all that trauma...she kept stumbling on the streets until she bumped into you, when she saw another person, she just...broke down, she latched onto you and just started crying. Since then, she's had you around to help her with her random flashbacks of the help her deal with her trauma, and she adores you for that.

LN oneshots and scenarios! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora