you do something cute/badass.

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Requested by CrumbleMuffin!


You THREW a porcelain kid that was trying to tackle her, breaking it on impact, she was pretty proud and happy you did it, she might even start learning to do that for the future.


You did a grabby hands motion for him to hug you, he melted like ice cream and smiled so wide, you're gonna get your hug, and also probably a fanboy Mono for a bit.


Did a backflip out a window and stuck the landing, he just looked at you with the most surprised face hes ever had...might ask you how the hell you learned to do that, and would be really relieved whenever you do that and save yourself.


A buck was running with its horns out, ready to impale your Lover, and somehow, you last second Punched its nose, and it just ran off. hes grateful you saved him, and now he'll probably take you hunting more often.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Criss cross apple sauce on The floor, humming the song she sings whenever she brushes her hair, she saw it and just hid behind the door, gushing about how adorable you are, will definitely praise you about learning the song later.


You were talking to a 'sleeping' prosthetic patient, joking with it and playing with its hands, he just watched from the distance and smiled.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You WHOOPED ASS, a TV person was stumbling around and freaked him out, so you tried to make it go, when it charged him, you started beating the damn thing, he was pretty grateful you saved him from whatever was happening.


You somehow calmed down some of the children and played dolls and house with them, she just sat at her desk with a grin on her face, observing how you make others, and herself, feel around you.

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You fixed his TV and watched it, he heard the noise and went over to it, once he hears you humming to it, he just sat and watched TV with you, listening to both you and The TV.

Raincoat Girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You dodged the craftsman, climbed the bookshelf, jumped and pulled a lever to the door, and stuck the fucking landing, she was pretty amazed at your stunt, but she'll save the praise for when you two are safe.

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