headcanons for them falling in love.

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I had a depressive episode last night and i need some comfort character stuff rn. I am not a happy boi.


Honestly amazed she has fallen for somebody, she sees it more like a pet, she likes you, she pets you, and she will kill to keep you by her side.


Smitten school boy, he coos at you and gives you little gifts, he has no problems with showing his love, and the smile he had on his face when he realized he was in love was adorable.


He is nervous, he is scared, and he is obsessed. He stutters and blushes like crazy when he's near you, but without you near he feels sad...so he just deals with the anxiety and stays around you.


Glances and flirty teases are his method to feel happy with his crush, it probably makes him trip on some things or try to do that flirty lean and immediately fall because he wasn't leaning on anything, but he definitely doesn't care.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She spends a lot of time with you, shows you her favorite ways of preparing teas or social gatherings, she basically shows her affection by teaching you things, she thinks it shows that shes generous.


...want some soda? He keeps restocking the machines solely because he knows you like that stuff, so....he gives you snacks to say he loves you.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cuddles, jokes, staying up all night sharing really weird stories, its basically just therapy, but you're both the patients, and one patient is head over heels for the other.


She keeps you away from things she dubs as dangerous, like the students and literally anything they could be holding, she's protective and cold about her methods.


Anything wholesome really, he teaches you braille, you watch movies together, and you go on a lot of adventures together...he probably falls a lot from the stairs randomly popping up, so you also keep him from almost dying constantly.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She gives you some of her food when she gets it, that's her one and only hint of love.


They're voluntary hitmen for you, want somebody hurt or dead? They're on it. Basically its you controlling a bunch of feral kids...and most may have knives.


She buys anything and everything for you, if you so much as go 'that's cute' at something, its yours the next day....this is either good or bad, depending on how willing you are to accept gifts.


They have very different ways of simping, one teaches you how to cook with him and not burn yourself with hot water, one invites you to hide from the other with them...also to throw stale bread at guests, that's why you get the other off your trail first.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They don't act on affection, they mentally die inside from cuteness or simping, but they're just a dick to you in real life...they'll be daydreaming about dating you while they kick you off the bed because 'they got annoyed that You're there'...its because they got embarrassed about you being so close.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Very alike to the bullies, he kills for you, but its also like the pretender in a way, he gives things to you...they mix into a problem with this lighter wielding psychopath killing people and stealing their stuff to give to you.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

...extremely dangerous. He is very anxious about everything, so most of his interactions with you are quiet and full of stutters, but if he ever gets over that and gets confident with himself...you're fucked. He will kidnap you and cut your leg off to keep you there...for now, he'll stick to daydreams, although his confidence slowly increases daily. You're fucked, just not right now.


Vibing with you is a very big way of showing his affection. He just gushes and grins at you while you two are singing poorly made songs, or laughing and holding your hand as the two of you run away from a bunch of Viewers because you two broke a lot of TV's to piss them off...chaotic vibing is his favorite thing to do with you.

Pigtail girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Naps, cuddles, hand holding, any physical touch is her way of showing she likes you, shes a very Touchy lovey girl, she also loves to lay her head on your lap if You're doing something like reading...she absolutely loves to fall asleep on or next to you too.

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