you having period cramps

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Requested by Six_88!

[Been up since 10 because gender dysphoria has me scrolling through transition prices and now im close to tears cause i live in a small closeminded family that would thanos snap me into the underworld with hades if i came as im out of nuggies ;-;]


Isn't old enough to get those yet, but has known a few women that lived to experience them, so she'll stand by your side and let you hold her hand until the pain goes away.


Teddy bear hugs you and doesnt let you go until you feel better, hes known one person whos had those besides you, and it terrifies him that that can happen.


Is a completely uneducated boi, just tell him what to do and he'll try to help you as much as he can to make the hurt stop.


Cramps arent what hes scared of, if he wakes up and sees his lover with their legs soaked in blood, he may start freaking out and maybe cry a little, then he'll run out of the room to get bandaids...explain you're not dying before he runs into your piranha tank.  [Reference to one of my favorite people who comment on this book.]

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Knows all about it, she'll get you your preferred period thingy [pads/tampons, ect] and snacks, you two can just chill and deal with period stuff together.


Knows a lot about that stuff from medical books, so he knows a lot of remedies and medicine for helping with that, for once, his doctor stuff can actually help.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Has no idea on what they are, he met someone who had them a very long time ago, but doesn't remember anything about it, so just teach him and he'll try to help.


Knows about it pretty well, and luckily she knows stuff to get rid of it, cheese and chocolate with miss teacher!

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hes read Braille [is that how its spelled?] Books about it since you two met, hes prepared! All the good stuff for his (y/n)!

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Like Six, Shes too young to know at the time, but she can help you find period stuff if you ask her.


The girls might wanna help you steal some supplies, but the boys want nothing to do with it, they're gonna hide from you so you cant get them out and help you.

The pretender~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Orders the butler to get you things that will help, then she'll make a tea party outside and the two of you can relax.


They get books about it and see if they can cook something that'll help with the cramps and bloody stuff, then they'll put it in a little notebook they have for food you like, honestly its adorable that they have their own little book of food you like.

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