if you went missing

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I searched all around the book, but i can't find who requested this, did somebody request this or did i just make it for pure boredom reasons?

Just wanna point out that i see every comment you all say...and i reread a lot of comments too, and even if you delete your comment it still shows it on my notifications.

i cackle at all of your jokes too, a lot of you are really fucking funny.


....how about she hunts you down? Because she will, there's no escaping the cat person. If she doesn't find you...she'll keep looking, for forever if that's what it takes.


Oh god, oh no-  this poor boy will be so worried, by the time he finds you he'll be close to tears...if he doesn't find you he will just break down into tears, although it takes a week for that to happen, but he never stops looking, not ever.


Oh he isn't scared, he's mad, he legitimately thinks you were dragged off by somebody, so his inner Yandere shows for a good day or so while he's stomping around looking for you. The monsters around him should pray to whatever Gods they believe in to keep that crazy boy away.


Immediately runs into the woods with a fucking shotgun, He's worried your dumb ass got stuck somewhere with rabid animals, if he finds you there will be a mix of hugging and strangling, if he doesn't...he might have a panic attack in the woods.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You're on a boat, you most likely went missing when it wasn't stopped at land, so she sends out some staff to find you...if she lost you while it was at land, she's fucked, she knows that and she refuses to to back to sea before she finds you, she knows how horrific the cities are, shes not leaving you there, even if it takes days to find you.


Considering there's homicidal patients that hate you roaming among the place, not finding you is a big problem, he doesn't know how to hunt down a human either, so he's afraid of what will happen in the time it takes for him to figure out where you'd be, he might just pass out from the stress in a hallway...he literally can't function if he's scared, don't leave him.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The only way he wouldn't be able to know where you are is if you left the tower, if you did...well, he's absolutely fucked. He will sob for however long you are gone, since he's stuck there until the cycle repeats, he has no power to leave the place, he can't save you, and he is fucking devastated.


Search hounds of students make for a great search team, she'll lead them around town and see if they can spot you, if not, she'll start sending some out on hunts to try finding you in different parts of town, she has hundreds of students, as long as one brings you back, she's fine with a few going missing along the way...less stress anyways.


Well....he wouldn't know, you always tell him when you leave, or even when you walk out of the room, so when Your quiet he'd think you were mad and won't talk to him, so whether its days, weeks, or months of you being gone, he'd think you were just giving him the silent treatment...it would probably take a really long time for him to realize you're not there, and he probably gets really sad when he does realize.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She thinks its because you got kidnapped, so she goes on this horrific adventure of slaughter to find which monster took you, actually she'd probably find you by the time she turned into a serial killer among the giants.


They'd run off to find you, and with how many there are they'd probably find you eventually, although they don't bring you back to the school. They go missing with you. One goes missing, they all go missing, now there's like, a hundred runaways all scampering among the streets.


She most likely has surveillance, because you can't tell me she isn't a paranoid little shit with her dolls. She'd see where you'd go when you went missing, then she sends out the butler to find you, when you're brought back, which is inevitable by the butlers will, she Just starts locking all the doors and windows, you're not allowed outside now.


One has a poor sense of coping and makes a joke out of it, saying they should call you with food like calling a stray cat in an alley, they get bonked and the other ones goes straight to reporting your absence to Miss Geisha, who spreads the awareness of a missing person to the other staff and makes sure they know to bring you back to the kitchen if you are spotted, now everything will be fine as long as the boat doesn't reach shore before you're found...if it does, they're probably fucked.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She doesn't let you leave her eye sight, ever, there's no fear in you going missing...she might tie you to a fence when she sleeps if she thinks You're gonna try to escape her.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They're just completely out of options, They cant leave the library because the light outside would kill them, so they just...wait, wait for you to come back, its all they can do...even if they have to wait for years.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh hell no, he will hunt you down and handcuff you to a fucking radiator! Days, weeks, he is not giving up, he runs on pure spite and smells of fury...and probably sweat, he needs a shower.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First comes the sadness, then the anger for humanity, then the need to find you immediately before he goes on a rampage and kills the city. Although in finding you, he probably still killed half the city...he thought they were hiding you.


At first he's confident he can find you and bring you back, but that slowly turns into a depressing voice saying you're lost forever, if you come back on your own, you're not going to escape his hugs of sadness...he probably wont be able to find you on his own though.

Pigtail girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She immediately thinks you are dead and gets extremely sad, she doesn't want to look for you because shes afraid she'll find your corpse, all hope is lost in her mind. If you do come back, she'll be sobbing on your shoulder for a long time, don't leave her alone like that ever again.

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