you giving them the silent treatment as a prank.

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Requested by blackkillerbunny!


You can never annoy her for long, because she can annoy you right back, she'll repeatedly poke your mouth until you give in, if not...its gonna be a long day.


Doesnt think it has anything to do with him, he thinks you have a sore throat, so he runs off and comes back with a piece of cloth big enough for a blanket, then he just sits there and naps alongside you.


Immediately thinks its his fault and starts to apologize and ask you if you're mad, please just tell him you're not mad, he's gonna cry soon.


He'll retaliate and give you the silent treatment as well, unfortunately he craves affection from years of isolation and cant last an hour of you ignoring him, he will be back and he will refuse to go away until you say something.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

she may ask you to get something for her or just give you tea, but she thinks you're legitimately mad, so she keeps her distance most of the day for you to cool down.


Probably doesnt notice immediately, he'll be so busy that it would take him a few hours of your silent treatment to know somethings wrong, once he does, he'll ask you if you feel sick, then proceeds to repeat that question until you tell him to stop.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Talks to you often, so he immediately knows, and he pouts about it, crossing his arms with a salty expression and just being an angry boi, although he might get really sad and hug you, saying for you to please talk to him because hes getting lonely.


Doesnt mind in the slightest, she finishes work and helps the students, not saying a word to you, it gets to the point where you have to talk, and boy are you pissed, she just explains she knew what you were doing and was trying to test you.


Please dont, he may not know you're there and think you've gone missing, he'll get sad and keep yelling your name to see if youre around, he may even start to think you're not on the maw...hug him you monster!

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doesnt think she'll mind that much, but she gets really mad really fast, she picks you up and refuses to let you go until you say something, doesnt matter how long, she gives no fucks.


Jebus, what possessed you to prank these absolute nightmares? They will retaliate with horrible pranks like slime drops or scaring you with monster costumes...they're bloody nightmares.


The type to get pissy when that happens, she'll try to break things to get your attention, but it may end up in you being silent for longer, making her more mad...its gonna be a cycle until one of you gives.


They think your mad at them, so the wholesome squishy marshmallows [reference to another readers comments] would try to make it up by making apology soup! Unfortunately, they got a little stressed and ended up fighting and knocking over the soup, so now they have two problems, one is making them smell like chicken.

Shadow kids~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They'll stay by you, just relaxing and waiting for you to speak, some may ask you to talk, but most will just accept it and let you be quiet for a while.

Shadow Six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Will instantly be annoyed, she decides she'll make you speak by embarrassing you, so she walks up to you and kisses you, before sprinting off, she doesnt wanna be in the range of anything you might throw, bonus points if she makes you yell instead of talk!

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