if they confessed their love to you

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Oohh boyy...this is gonna be a trip for both of you.

She knows little to nothing about affection, so when she realizes shes in love with you, she's extremely confused.

She'll probably try to keep it from you, but when you two risk your lives and you almost die, she'll grab you by your shoulders and just scream 'i love you!!', then proceeded to try and explain, leading to her becoming red and just sitting on the floor.

If you love her, she'll get up with a shocked expression and legitimately smile.

if you dont, she wont really move, just slump down a little more.


This child-

Immediately knows hes in love with you and gushes over you every day, he absolutely loves everything about you and tries to show it without making you uncomfortable.

He'll find something you really and hide it, then bring you, when you smile he just cant hide it anymore, he'll confess everything and then look at you, waiting for a response.

If you love him, he'll gasp, before grabbing you and twirling around with you, laughing happily.

If you don't, his hopeful expression drops, he'll udder a quiet 'oh', before saying the two of you should go back to making your way to the tower.


Horrible at hiding it.

He'll get flustered and fidgety around you, babbling about random things and making any excuse to stay close to you.

The day he tells you, hes afraid, you've made it halfway across the city and the tower is in sight, and he thinks its as good a time as any to tell you, when he does, he asks you how you feel.

If you love him, he'll smile widely and let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, rubbing tears from his eyes and saying hes really happy.

If you don't, he'll stiffen, before saying its okay, but he doesn't really know what to feel anymore.

The hunter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This dumb man will smush GOD for you.

He'll pretend to do something, cleaning pans, dusting stuff, when really hes secretly watching you, he'll probably end up breaking stuff because hes so busy watching you that he doesnt realize hes about to walk into a book shelf.

He'll take you to the most beautiful part of the woods that he knows, then turn to you and take of his makeshift mask, takes your hands in his, and tells you that you're the most important person in his life, and he wants to spend the rest of it by your side.

If you love him, he'll pull you into a giant huh and laugh, saying he was getting nervous that you would say no.

If you don't, he'll stare at you for a second, before a dark expression takes over his face, he'll ask you who the other person is, and by the look of his eyes, you know murder is in his head.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Absolutely amazing at hiding it, but its clear by her jealousy that shes hiding something.

Will follow you around, offering to help at every turn, if someone talks to you for too long, she'll get jealous and order them to get thrown out into sea, or maybe they'll turn into the main dish at dinner, either way, shes pretty smitten over you.

She'll tell you in the most dramatic way possible, giving you a makeshift ring to show that she loves you, and she'll tell you that she is in love with you, then looks at you for a response.

If you love her, she will hum and say shes never been this happy, before taking your hand and saying that she'll always protect you.

If you dont, she will drop the ring from her hands, not showing any reaction other than a wide stare, before walking away silently.

The Doctor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pretty busy, so you wont notice a lot of his simping.

He'll mess up his prosthetic people a lot because hes spacing out and thinking about you, so he'll be really busy with fixing his mistakes, but talking to you makes his stress poof away.

He'll be so tired and out of it that he wont even realize he told you until you asked him what he means, once that happens, he comes clean, and awaits your response nervously.

If you love him, he'll be extremely happy, saying he was really nervous you'd hate him and run away.

If you don't, he'll just sigh, saying its fine and going off to somewhere else, he sort of expected it, but it still hurts.

LN oneshots and scenarios! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora