how they act on/react to christmas.

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I celebrate Yule instead of christmas, it was yesterday, so nows the time for me making stuff for christmas celebrators.


She isn't quite happy about any of it, the lights hurt her eyes, the food is mass produced and usually tastes gross, and the tale of santa horrifies her, she hates it all...except for the gifts, she likes that.


He loves it, he sings christmas music and plays in the snow all day, the warm fire, the hot chocolate, he thinks its amazing.


He doesn't get it too well, its cold and bright, but its pretty, he does like making weird snowman shaped food with you, its fun.


I guarantee you that he never heard of it before you came along, so when i say he's a child on christmas, he has reverted to a child and is having the best fucking time ever

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She doesn't celebrate, she'd be poor if she had to buy presents for the entire maw, let alone decorations for it, she gives you a little present, but that's it.


He does not get it, nor does he want to, he sees it as a holiday made because the world wants a reason to feel happy when its cold and gross out.

Thin Man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Every year, he will become an absolute crackhead in December, and on christmas day, he will run around screaming 'CHRISTMAAAS', he loves it even if he can't do anything for it.


The children love it, she does not, she makes the gifts and decorations and does everything alone, if you help, she will be unbelievably grateful, but you're hanging the damned tree lights.


He doesn't understand it, but he likes that you like it, so he makes a toy and puts your name on it, so he can give it to you, he loves hearing how happy you are for it.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She doesn't want it. She will refuse both celebrating and hearing about it, she may get pissy if you push it, so let her do her own thing.


They love it. The loud weird sounding music, the amounts of sweets and toys made, and the snowball perfect for hiding a rock in and throwing at others, its their favorite holiday.


She adores it, the beautiful decorations and the smells of holiday treats make her happy, she loves sitting beside the window and eating warm cookies and hot chocolate with you.


One doesn't care for it too much, he doesn't see it around the maw and therefore doesn't see it as something he'd need to have, so he goes on with life normally.

Now the other, they love it, they like the weird looking santa, all fluffy looking, so they like to talk about it and make christmas themed stuff, if they get caught, they blame the other.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No. They hate it deeply, they hate the reminder that another year has passed and they are stuck in this body of spite and darkness, if you dare say merry christmas, they will punch you in the stomach.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No matter the mono, all love this, but he is...aggressively loving it. Stealing things to use as decorations, fighting poor children for their toys, killing viewers to use their home as a place to celebrate christmas in, it's horrific, the amount of blood on his hands for the holiday is scary.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He doesn't really like it, but if you like it, he will go all out on it, he likes that you like it so he makes everything heavily holiday made, if you don't like it, he can and will hurt anybody that celebrates it, his reaction to it is based on yours, but he's always 100 in every situation.


He puts a christmas tree sticker on his sheet and says its the christmas sheet, then laughs for minutes straight, after that, its never brought up again.

Pigtail girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She doesn't celebrate it, but wouldn't mind if you did, she'd steal any sweets you make and watch in awe when the decorations are up.

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