their reactions to you falling flat on your face.

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Requested by [insert name here, DON'T FORGET. NOT AGAIN.]

Fucking hell i want to find somebody to flirt like a dummy with...then i realize i live in the forest and only know one person that isn't my family....Gods, i need a love life-


She'll just stare at you, a little amused look on her face. Now whenever she sees you walking around she'll say 'don't forget to stay off the ground' with a little smirk.


You have never seen him so worried in your life, he runs to you and immediately asks where it hurts...this poor boy was legitimately going to cry if he watched you get hurt and didn't do anything.


He will either fall to the floor and try to pick you up or chuckle and just gush over the clumsy kid he knows and loves...or both.


He teases the absolute fuck out of you, only to turn around and trip on the carpet, also falling onto his face....the both of you agreed to never speak of your dumbass falling problems.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She'll ask if you need medical attention, if not she'll just chuckle and tell you that she'll be in the library if you need her...if you do then you'll get some bandaids and cuddles.


...want some Alcohol? No, he doesn't really know where he got it from. He may be a doctor, but he sure as hell isn't a good one.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He'll tell you not to worry, because he falls a lot too, he'll help you up and It'll be an inside joke, whenever he sees you walking near where you fell he'll stare at the area and call it 'the evil floor of bonking'.


Ice pack.

I know thats a go-to for her lately, but you cant tell me that she wouldn't just give you an ice pack and tell you to suck it up...she cares for you, but she has like, 200 children to deal with, she'd rather not coddle an adult that can resist arson, unlike the students.


He gives you some bandaids he always keeps in his pocket, then hell pat your head and ask if you wanna go adventure around and find the nomes to make you feel better.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She'll just chuckle and walk off, she may come back to help you up, or she may not...she probably will, she's overprotective about you.


Laughing, mocking, or others getting pissy at the ones that are doing the first two things. Its a giant thing, at the end of the day nobody will remember, but for a good few hours you'll be mercilessly teased and mocked.


DO YOU NEED STITCHES?? She is unbelievably worried at any minor inconvenience that includes pain, since shes been so coddled that she has almost never had injuries, she thinks people are very weak and easily before she tries to give you heavy medicine for a bruise.


One will help you up, but one will just laugh their ass off about it. They Won't tease you over it, but how quickly it happened just made them burst out laughing...the other one is gonna hit them for it, they won't stop thought.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cackles at your pain, but if they see tears in your eyes then they'll stop and just start yelling, 'get up and don't be weak, this place feeds on that! You're not allowed to die yet!'.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Some will help you up, others will just stare, a bit amused. Although they'll all look away if you glare at was a bit funny, nothing more.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He laughs his ass off. Probably buckling down to the floor. He is way too amused at your clumsy nature, trip any time of the day and he'll laugh like a hyena.

Shadow Seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He'll help you up and just hug you, mumbling that you're okay and he Won't let you get hurt won't escape the hug for a while.


He does the first he thinks of; he flops on his face as well. Now you two both did something embarrassing, so its even and fine! Whenever you fall he'll always fall too, that way you don't feel embarrassed.

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