six x reader x mono| they're mine!!

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(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I yawn and get up, the hole in the wall letting a light shine on my face, looking around, i cant see my two friends anywhere, so i guess They're already awake.

"Hey, i was wondering when you'd get up!"
A voice says, making me jump up and look around, its just six, i guess she was behind me.

"Sorry, i guess running made me tired."
I say.

"Mono's looking for a way into the hospital, and i was making sure you were alright."
Six explains.

"Ah, I'll go check on him then-"

"O-or we could just stay here, mono's fine on his own!"
Six interrupts, its odd seeing her like this, but its happened more often lately.

"He gets sad when hes loney though, I'll just say hi and make sure hes alright."
I say, Six sighs and sits on the floor, watching me walk out of the small area i was sleeping in.

Crawling through a vent and climbing up a bookshelf, i finally reach ground floor, and like Six said, Mono is trying to open the door, he took his bag off, so im guessing he doesn't want to accident get it caught on the doorknob.

"I hate doors like these, really tall, always taunting me.."
Mono mumbles, i cant help but snicker at him getting mad at the door.

"Hows it going?"
I ask, he looks over to me, and his angry expression turns into a giant grin.

"(Y/n)! I was so lonely without youuu..!"
Mono whines, hugging me in what I've been calling 'the mono death grip'.

"What about six? Hasn't she been keeping you company?"
I ask, he stops hugging me and gets serious.

"We got into a fight,, and i wouldn't want her to after what she said."
Mono says.

"...what'd she say?"
I ask, he looks at me with ice cold eyes, before jumping back to his normal smiley expression.

"Don't worry about it, alright? C'mon, help me with the door!"
Mono says, i nod and walk over to it, putting my hands out so he can use them to jump up and twist the doorknob.

"Alright, 1...2...3!"
Mono yells, running over and jumping on my hands he reaches the door and opens it, when he falls back down, he cheers.

"Awesome job!"
I praise, he grins with pink on his cheeks.

"Thanks...! Im really happy you woke up.."
Mono pauses, getting a little closer and putting his arms over both sides of my shoulders.

"I get sad when you're not with me."
Mono says.

Its silent for a little bit, but it doesn't look like mono minds, hes just staring at me with a small smile, that is, until Six smacks the back of his head.

"Hey, you got the door open! Lets go, pal."
Six says with a pretty threatening smile.

"Of course buddy, you can go first, I'll be behind with (y/n)."
Mono says, holding my hand.

"Or..they can walk along with me."
Six says, grabbing my other hand.

"How about i walk in front? The two of you seem to be at each others throats today, so you two can talk and make up from whatever happened."
I say, they glance at each other, before looking towards me.

"If that's what you thinks best, I'll follow your decision."
Mono says.

"Same goes for me.."
Six mumbles.

"Alright then, lets go!"
I say, walking out the door, i grab mono's bag on the way so he doesn't forget it.

Mono POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stay a foot distance from Six, and she doesn't seem to care, good.

"You're bad news.."
Six growls.

"I wont let you near them Six, not after what you said."
I say, glaring at her, she glares back.

"After what i said? You told me you were in love with them!"
Six says.

"And you said you were gonna tell them that you loved them before i could, you're making their love a competition!"
I whisper-yell.

"Oh, if its a competition.."
Six stops, looking down, then looking back at me with a devious grin.

"Then I'll make sure i win."
Six says.

" jerk! I'll tell them before you can, and they'll love me!"
I say.

"Wanna bet?"
Six says.

"Doesnt matter if i do, because I'll win it."
I say.

"Okay then Mono, lets make it a bet, whoever tells them in the best way and actually gets their feelings returned can be the one to call them their lover."
Six says.

"And the loser...?"
I ask.

"Will have to accept the pain of seeing their enemy with the person they love the most. So...wanna take the bet?"
Six asks, i pause for a second, i know they love me, and i know my love for them is bigger than Six' sure I'll win their heart.


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