if their s/o was sick.

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Wont care that much, she thought you'd power through it and keep going, but when she realizes how bad it is, she forces you to stop and take shelter, she acts like an overprotective cat towards you through your entire sickness, refusing to leave your side.


Hes already so protective over you, when he starts noticing you getting sick, he'll immediately react, trying to find any way to make you feel better, he'll give you bread ans cheese he found in the dining areas of houses, and he'll refuse to travel if its raining, that way your sickness doesn't have a chance of getting worse, he'll also try to make soup! ...keyword; try.


Poor shy boi is bad at stuff like this, all he knows is that you feel sick and cant travel without coughing badly, so he decides to convince you to stay with him in one of the houses until you're better, he knows you like him hugging you when you're sad, so he decides to wrap his arms around you and cuddle you until you fall asleep, so you have a cuddly Seven through your entire sickness.


He tried to teach you how to hunt...in the rain, he didn't expect you to get that cold, but you did, and now you're really sick, he probably feels bad about keeping you in the rain for a couple hours, so he decides to help you get better, he'll hunt down a deer and make you stew and homemade bread, wanting to make sure your body has enough energy to fight off the sickness and get you back outside with him.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The second she finds out, she'll baby you,  showering you with blankets and great food, and somehow she'll always know if you feel too hot or too cold, its like another sense she has, you cant hide your sickness from mama bear..good luck trying.👍


Sick? Y e s, he wont treat you like his patients, but he'll probably be odly excited that hes doctoring you, just watch him and don't let him near the godamn leeches, we don't need another julian devorak running around [anyone get that reference?], he'll be cautious about everything he does and makes sure to keep you somewhere sterile so you cant get worse, overall, you have an actually gentle boi when you're sick.

Thin Man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kind of dramatic when you're sick, if you say a single thing like 'im a little cold' or 'my throats itchy', he'll overreact and think you have a damn plague, please correct him before he starts crying, cause then there's a chance he'll Never stop, if you actually make him stop and explain that you're not dying, he'll start to calm down, but he'll still watch you constantly to make sure you don't drop dead.


Ice pack.

No no, im kidding, the teacher would give you some vitamins and food, and whenever shes done with her classes, she'll walk all the way to wherever you are and check on you, if you get worse, she might go get actual medicine, but shes hoping she wont need to make you down pills or that nasty cold medicine to feel better.

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He has a pretty great immune system, so he doesn't really know how to react, you might have to explain illnesses to him so he can know what's going on, once he does, he'll be an absolute sweetheart, going to the library and finding books on sickness stuff so he can help you get better...its really adorable to see him reading about foods to eat when your sick, just never eat the food he gives you, hes not a good cook, he tries though.

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