shadow mono x reader|a past to forget.

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I wanna make a series of shadow mono and his origin, since its basically a giant AU, so why not now? Got nothing better to do besides struggling to breathe.

Shadow mono POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Wanna bet your source is an idiot?"
I ask, grinning towards (y/n).

"They're not an idiot, im sure this safe house will be here, he's sent other people here too and they're still around."
They protest.

I smile a bit...they trust people way too fucking easily, i mean, i sorta kidnapped them from the streets and they sleep in the same room as me! Naive or brave, I'll never know.

"Sure, whatever you say."
I sigh, patting their head.

We finally make it to the X mark on the ground, when i look up, i see a tall building...So this is the place? Damn, this broken, the windows, the walls, this building looks horrible.

"This is where your source said to go? Wow."
I mumble, chuckling a bit as (y/n) sighs.

"Apparently so, but im sure it'll be better inside."
(Y/n) says.

"Well, Ladies first."
I say, grinning a bit, they look at me, clearly unamused.

They say, shoving me in, i laugh and walk in the rest of the way, they follow behind me.

This place is so dusty, its like nobody's been here for a really long time...fuck, my allergies are going to hate me.

"Remember when kids ran around? So many little children, dead on the streets."
(Y/n) says.

"There still are, its just that most of us are older now, and the oldest ones are having kids, so more kids and more of this fucked up generation dealing with these Viewing idiots."
I say, kicking a box.

"We're not all that old either, maybe like...19? Maybe 20?"
(Y/n) mumbles.

"Maybe, i don't keep track, especially since im not that able to fucking age."
I say, chuckling a little...its a nice power, gotta say.

I sit down on a chair, eyeing the area as (y/n) walks off, this place is warm in a way...why do i feel like I've been here before? Maybe i was here before i became this weird thing? Maybe...i wonder what i did before this, maybe i was this badass kid that became immortal.

I mumble, looking around.

...i don't like the feeling i get from this place, its not a happy feeling, or even a safe one...its like this bug is in my head, and it absolutely fucking hates this place.

"Wow, its...Cold..."
A feint voice mumbles, i jolt up and look towards where i heard it.

...a little boy, he looks really young, and really damn small, he's by the door...was the door open? Im sure i closed it behind me, and im sure he couldn't reach it...maybe i didn't.

I say, standing up straight in the chair.

"This is where they sure of it."
The boy says, completely ignoring me.

He walks over to me, so i stand up from the chair and lean on the wall.

"Kid, don't ignore me, it pisses me off."
I mumble.

The boy jumps and climbs up on the chair i was sitting in, kicking his legs like he's happy.

"This is good, this'll be okay, it'll be like none of this happened."
The boy says.

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