if you randomly pass out.

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I accidentally let the requests pile up and now i have six chapters to do *-*

Requested by Imaweeb15_!!


"Hm...? (y/n)!"

Ninja six mode activate! She'll immediately jump over to your side, shaking you violently, it may not look like it, but shes panicking. once she hears your breathing, she'll calm down, dragging you somewhere safe and waiting for you to wake up.


"Hey, nows not the time to take a nap! ...pretty?"

Teddy bear is concerned, at first he thinks you tripped, making him joke around about it, when you dont get up, he gets nervous, he'll probably try to pick you up and keep you safe, but he'll definitely be less panicky when he hears you hum.


"(Y/n)? (Y/n) no!!"

Immediate panic, running to you with tears ready to fall, he'll breath hysterically and try to wake you up, fearing that you just met your maker, once you move a little and hum,  he'll sigh and hug you.



His big and manly look seems to fade the second you hit the floor, he runs over and falls on his knees to see if you're okay, trying to check your heartbeat while his is racing like hell, when he finds out you only passed out, he feels much more relaxed, when you wake up, you'll never realize you just made the 'coldhearted' hunter have a breakdown.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh honey...lets get you to bed."

Shes had lots of experiences with fainting, so when you fall, she immediately knows what to do, she'll take you to her quarters and put you to bed, mama bear shall protecc.


"Eh...? Oh SHIT-"

Will drop whatever hes doing and panic about you suddenly dropping to the floor, he'll probably sit there and shake you for a while, just...wake up before he has a panic attack and thinks you're dead.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What's that sound-....are you alright?"

Child mode activates, its like how children poke dead things with a stick, exept he's scared and keeps poking you to wake you up, if you randomly just rise up he'll shriek and jump back.

The teacher~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Huh? What are you doing on the floor? You'll get dirty!"

Doesnt even realize for a good 4 minutes, she'll just lecture you for a while, after a while she'll realize you're not awake and get a little concerned though, you might wake up and immediately get a lecture about falling on the floor.


"What was that sound? ...(y/n)? Are you there?"

Once you stop replying, he'll start searching for you, and would probably accidentally step on your back, then would immediately apologize, once he actually finds you, he'll just sit there and wait for you to wake up and start talking again.

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