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Is this like, the fourth headcanon thing now? Jesus I've lost control of my life.

Seems like all of my family is dying, fifth person this year, maybe we're all cursed.


-She has Scopophobia, the phobia of being stared at, due to the eyes in the maw, she is absolutely horrified to know that anybody is staring at her, she's worried that she'll turn to stone.

-her favorite food is sweet stuff, she doesn't like eating, but she likes tastes, that said she really likes sweet drinks, like juice.

-if you tell her you love her, she'll immediately go into a silent panic and may disappear into the night, usually the people she cares about or the people that care for her end up being very ominous, she doesn't like knowing you care because shes scared she'll find out You're bad too.


-he really likes violin. He doesn't know how to play it, but he loves it when he hears it being played, its so soothing and nice, it makes him happy to hear it.

-if he survives the Thin man and the Signal tower, he may start to fear himself, as he begins to realize his powers are the same as the thin man, he puts two and two together and realizes he feared himself the entire him, the thin man was himself, he won't be too happy for a while, but with some help, he might get better and forget about the horrific events he endured.

-he doesn't like adults, at all, all the ones he's seen have tried to kill him, he'd rather hide away than speak to them.


-he doesn't have social anxiety, he has ASPD, he acts out through manipulative ways and can get unbelievably angry if not calmed down or taken away from certain situations, while he does have a lot of antisocial tendencies, he isn't afraid of people, he just hates them and distrusts them.

-seafood is a no for him, anything linked to the ocean is a no, he hates anything that gives him flashbacks of those times where he was dragged under the water and slammed against walls by horrific underwater monsters.

-he likes bland foods like potatoes and blueberries, he has sensitive taste buds and will become a wheezing mess if he eats something really salty or too spicy.


[The first thing is long but im proud of the backstory i gave him]

-he was born in the forest, he grew up fine until a certain age, when his Mother began to have a shortage of food, she roamed farther into the forest to find more and keep her son alive. his Mother disappeared, seemingly dead, and left him to fend himself in the cabin, he nearly starved countless times and had to teach himself to hunt and gather while on the brink of death. he lived without interacting with a single person until his teenage years, the first person he saw was a child and when he saw how they acted, he became Envious of their carelessness and eventually became angry of the fact that they did not suffer the way he had to, after the first childs death, he began to kill humans he stumbled upon as a way to lash out about his childhood.

-along with the first scenario, his Mothers disappearance gave him a fear of the forest, he only ventures into certain parts and refuses to go too far, he's terrified that he'll either Stumble upon his Mothers bones or die himself.

-he has a great singing voice, but doesn't like singing, if he finds out you like it, he'll be willing to sing with you or teach you to sing, although he'll never like singing, he likes that you like it.

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