yandere mono vs yandere seven x reader| i want you for myself..!

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(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I cant believe this is happening...we're trapped in this creepy 'detention' classroom, those bullies cornered us and locked the door once we were trapped.

"W-what do we do..?"
Seven asks, holding the music box i gave him before we got stuck.

"We...we escape!"
Mono says, confident as usual.

"The door is locked and they probably have the key, how can we escape..?"
I ask, I'd suggest the window, we're too high up to jump out.

"Hm....Seven, you and i can explore this area, and (y/n), stay safe, got it?"
Mono says.

"But why cant i help..?"
I ask.

"He's right, we don't want you hurt."
Seven agrees, not you too!

I sigh and nod, walking over to the corner of the room, spotting what looks like a vent...hm..

Mono POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Seven see another door, not steel like the one thats trapped us in here, this one has glass...perfect, i can break it and save us..!

"Seven, gimme that music box."
I say, he grips it tighter.

"B-but...(y/n) got this for me.!"
Seven protests...somehow i want to take it from him more.

"Just give it!"
I say, yanking it from his grasp, he gasps and looks at me, eyes wide.

"You....took (y/n)'s gift to me...they gave it to me...A-and you took it...!"
Seven mumbles, his face turning sorrowful.

I hate this..! He acts like everything (y/n) hands him is some form of a love note, but its not! (Y/n) wouldn't love him...! He doesn't know them like i know them, and i know they don't love him!!

"And I'll take it again...! She didn't give it to you as a present, she would never give you something that wasn't just holding her down! Because they don't loVE YOU, THEY LOVE ME! AND THEY WOULD NEVER LOVE YOU IN A MILLION YEARS!!"
I snap.

Seven doesnt say anything, he just looks at me blankly, before turning to where (y/n) was sitting.

"They're gone..."
Seven mumbles, before looking back at me, a smile forming on his face.

Im cut off by Seven, lunging on me with a deranged grin and wide eyes.

Seven yells, hitting me quickly and repeatedly.

I yell, trying to pull him off, he just screams and keeps hitting.

Seven screams, wrapping his hands around my throat and slowly starts squeezing.

I yell, reaching for the music box, once i grab it, i hit seven with it, making him fall off.

"THEY WOULD BE HAPPIER IF YOU WERE GONE! ...and im gonna make that happen."
I growl, running towards him with the now dented music box, he stands, ready to attack me.

Before we even reach each other, a shrill scream comes from the vent..(y/n)!

"Huh..? Oh no..(y/n)!"
I say, running to the vent, Seven follows.

"w-what happened?!"
Seven stutters, opening the vent cover, its big enough that we could go through it, so maybe (y/n) found it while we were by the door..?

"Wait....the bullies! They could've gotten to them while we were distracted..!"
I say...i was distracted and forgot to protect them.

"Oh no...! I-its my fault! I..i was supposed to keep them safe..!"
Seven says, choking sobs as he grips the vent cover.

"...im not giving up, i dont care if you do, give up and go away for all i care...but i need them."
I mumble, crawling into the vent.

I crawl as fast as my small figure will let me, (y/n) must be a little smaller than me, cause im struggling to get through, but i refuse to turn back, what if they're getting tortured?!

I scream, trying to call out to them the second i get out of the vent, there's a hammer...if those things hurt them, im going to be angry, I'll take it in case im right about them getting kidnapped.

I walk in the halls, trying to find them, but its completely silent...except for one room, the classroom, where i can hear those bullies, and muffled screams...(y/n)!

I grab the hammer and fling it into the glass part of the door, making it shatter on impact, once i do that, i jump into the room with ease.

They're all surrounding (y/n), who's tied to the floor....they're all gonna die.

I yell, grabbing my hammer once again.

As each one sprints towards me, i shatter it, i lost track at 4. I've never felt this powerful...is it because of (y/n)? Because i feel like their life is in danger? Is this strength some kind of...power from them?

By the time i calm down, black ooze and shattered porcelain surrounds where i stand, i turn to untie (y/n) and leave with them, but..they're not there.

"You could've gotten hurt on all the shattered porcelain..!"
Seven mumbles behind me, i quickly turn to face an untied (y/n) and seven, with Seven putting his nasty hands on them.

"Wh...when did you get here??"
I ask, frustration hiding behind every word.

"I went through the vent after you, i walked in and saw you doing that, so i rescued (y/n)."
Seven says, voice more monotone than I've ever heard it be.

But i was going to save them! Dangit Seven, you stole them..!!!

"Lets go."
I say, walking to the door, i grab (y/n)'s hand while i make it to the halls again.

"Where do we leave from??"
Seven asks, grabbing their other hand...hes making me mad.

"Its raining, we just look for a small lake from the downpour and jump for it."
I explain.

"...i cant swim that well."
(Y/n) mumbles, i meet their eyes with a warm smile.

"I'll keep you afloat, i promise!"
I say, leaning their hand up and kissing it.

"And if he fails...ill keep you safe too."
Seven says, hugging them from behind, giving me a look of pure jealousy and anger.

He cant stay with us...hell end up hurting them, and if they're hurt, I'll feel like im dying...! He thinks they would be happy?? No! Only i can protect them...! Then thats that, if i want to live happily with (y/n), i need to kill Seven.

Seven POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He acts so chivalrous and thinks it'll win them over...they dont care about that! They care about Being kind and loving to them! I know what they want! And he...he just wants to take them for his own selfish actions. I can see it in his eyes, he wants to take them from me....i need to save (y/n), and to do that...i need to kill mono.

LN oneshots and scenarios! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora