first kiss headcannons!

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Me: im finally free and dont need to go anywhere!

Also me: *gets badly sick*



Requested by Cutecat539!!


You'll be the one to kiss her, she'll be randomly sitting somewhere and you'll come sneak attack her on the lips, after that she'll just...stand there, wide eyed with a pink face, good job ya broke it--


Sweet bby kissed you first, he took off his bag and just swooped you in his arms and kissed you, grinning widely at his achievement.


Oh this poor smol boi, you'll have to kiss him first, when you do, he'll be red as a tomato and completely unable to speak for at least half the day, so now you gotta deal with that....he probably wants you to kiss him again the next day.


Oh god, he'll kiss you first, at first its sweet and cute, but not far into it he'll try to make it R rated, run from the horny man, RUN.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This bitch- she kisses you first, with the most confident stance, she regrets nothing and will do it again at any second, her confidence is higher than my will to live. [For legal reasons thats a joke.👍]


You'll probably have to kiss him first, when you do, he'll be blushing and confused, he was too focused to realize you were even there, so now hes even more confused.


Not gonna lie i can see both of you doing it at the same time, trying to surprise the other and ending up just surprising yourselves, after that you two will probably just laugh.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This poor man will be unbelievably nervous about it, but he may be the one to kiss you first, he'll just shake over to you and kiss you, before running off as a flustered should go find him before he gets lost somewhere.

Mr Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Plz kiss him first, he will appreciate it and act so wholesome about it, smiling and asking you if you can teach him how to do that, if you do you'll have him randomly finding you and kissing you.

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