they get extremely jealous over you.

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Requested by _-TheLegitLeaf-_!


You two met another girl, and you convinced six to let you take her with the two of you, she reluctantly agreed, not thinking that anything really bad could happen.

Over the days, the girl got really...friendly, towards you, grabbing your hands randomly, being really close to you, and once, even trying to cuddle with you, it made Six get slowly more furious.

One day, the girl tried to kiss you, and six snapped, pushing her off you and glaring at her with almost demonic-like eyes, the girl was terrified and ran off, you were slightly pissed at Six for scaring her that badly...but you were really happy she saved you from that.


He met a boy and decided to take him with the two of you, at first he thought of it like the three musketeers, but overtime, he noticed the boy getting really close to you.

The boy would bring you wild flowers and be really clingy towards you, and mono was extremely jealous of every touch he saw the boy put on you, he never thought he'd want to beat up another boy before that day.

One day, the boy went towards you and completely confessed, saying he was madly in love with you, thats when mono got pissed off, he stormed towards the two of you and grabbed your hand, trying to not hurt you just because he was angry, he looked at the boy and told him that you were his lover, and the boy just...walked away, mono felt pride, he stood up for his lover.


You and him met a boy in the school and offered to help him find somewhere safe, seven was already a little jealous the second he talked to you, so overtime, it would only get worse.

Every time you laughed at the boys jokes, he wished it was him, every time you two would accidentally touch hands, he wished it was his, everything you two did, seven was fuming with jealousy over it, he wanted you to give your attention to him, and the boy was taking it..

The day the boy grabbed your hands, seven was watching from the shadows, and when the boy leaned towards you...Seven took action, he didnt know if it was confidence or just pure rage, but he ran towards the two of you and grabbed you by your shirt, moving you away from the boy and yelling that he needs to leave, the angry boy did as he said and stormed away, and as Sevens anger passed, he started apologizing to you, you had to assure him that you didnt hate him now.


[I think ive just made the hunters non-canon name in this book 'Hunter'..ironic.]

You brought another person into his cabin, someone you said was stuck in his traps, he'd rather throw them back out, but you were persistent on letting them stay.

The first day they did something borderline intimate with you, he was ready to gut them like a fucking deer, but he didnt want to scare you, so he held off, watching from the shadows to think of how he can make sure that person knows you're his.

One day, the person was holding your hands, stuttering out something you couldnt understand, but Hunter did, and he was angry, he finally got an idea of how he can make sure that person knows you're already taken, he walks up to you two, grabs you as gently as he can from the persons grip, and just...kisses you, you closed your eyes, unaware that He was glaring at the person, basically saying 'i won, fucker.'

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You met a Lady that was helping you with learning Asl, you wanted to learn sign language so you could have it in case something happened, unfortunately, your Lover didnt know that and just thought you were hanging out with that Woman.

The Woman got kind of clingy, laughing at small things you didnt even think were that funny, your Lover knew what that Woman was doing, and she was ready to fuck a bitch u p.

The day she walks in on the woman trying to kiss you is the day she knows that its her destiny to whoop some ass, she walks over and slaps the woman across the face, no words are spoken as she walks away with you.


He decided to have a human patient instead of his normal prosthetic ones, and he dubbed you as his little nurse, he didn't expect his patient to take such a liking to you.

Every day, you'd talk to his patient for hours, smiling and laughing for at least an hour every day, he started to get jealous of it, every second you were around the patient was a second you could be talking to him..!

He got up to the point where he was furious of it, but he wasnt mad at you, no, it was the patients fault...and he was sick of it. The next day, he told you the patient died in his sleep, you were sad, but accepted that you couldn't have changed it, you never realized that he actually pulled the patients life support, damn doctor.

Thin Man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He's usually an absolute gentleman, which is why he was so surpised when he felt mad about your new friend spending lots of time with you.

'Friendly' flirting, going to areas couples go to, he saw your friend act like a lover, and you didn't even realize it, but he did, and he wasn't having it.

When he overheard something that sounded like a confession from your friend, and he went into action, walking towards the two of you and accusing your friend of trying to date his Lover, the friend didnt deny it, and thats what made you realize he was right, you tried to be just friends, but your friend didnt want you as a friend, so you ended up just not talking to them anymore, it made you a little sad, but your lover was pretty happy.


A 'substitute teacher' came so she had another person to help, she didn't think much of it, she'd get to spend more time with her Lover if this person was good.

When she noticed the teacher getting very close to you, she got a little mad, and as time went on, she saw you grow closer to them, you thought of it as friendship, but she knew what they were doing.

Instead of making a scene, she started framing them, first with minor things like stolen pencils or messy classrooms, then with big things like missing or dead children, so she'd have no choice but to fire them, she was happy with them gone, and you never knew what really happened.

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