(y/n) with extreme body dysphoria episodes.

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Me: *happily writing at night*

*knocking on my bedroom door*

Me: °-°

If you don't get why this is eerie...i live alone. in the middle of a giant fucking forest-


She would go into extreme measurements to make you feel comfortable, no shit she would give you her coat if it would make you feel better.


He will have a mono death grip on you whenever you look in the mirror and get that look on your face, he will try everything in his power to make you feel like you're comfortable in your skin.


He has some issues, not body-wise, but more or less just action-wise, so he thought he could help you with your body dysphoria by making something that'll show you that he can conquer his problem like you can conquer yours....he gives you this thousand word poem about how amazing you are to him, its adorable.


All the dirty jokes just fall off the table when he realizes you feel disgusted/uneasy of your body. He legitimately acts like a gentleman, and whenever he sees you looking in the mirror he'll sneak up behind you and just wrap his arms around your waist and mumble compliments in your ear. "Look at that, every day you look more amazing.."

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If shes unable to immediately make you feel better, she'll at least try what she knows. You get a handmade mask and baggy clothing, she made it with your favorite color and painted your initials into the mask, she likes to see you wear the clothing she gets especially for you.


He kind of goes into doctor mode, pulling out medical books and pointing out that he could be able to surgically fix the dysphoria...he knows phalloplasty and vaginoplasty way too well, its concerning.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He will give you one of his giant button ups and convince you its a magic 'dysphoria go poof' shirt. Now whenever he sees you in it he'll know that you feel dysphoric and need some hugs and love...smart bastard.


She doesn't exactly get it, but she is very willing to learn about how to help you. She's a fast learner, by a few weeks she'll be by your side to help you in your battle.


He can and will help you with whatever you need. Clothing causing the dysphoria? He'll get you any dresses/suits you want! Hair/face causing it? He can try to cut your hair if you want! He really loves your face though, he likes to run his hand over your blemishes and just smile, its your way of being different in a world that only has vanity, he loves your face!

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

....she can steal some clothes from the pretender if you want. She's more than willing to make you a comfy burrito of gender euphoria, even if the pretender tries to beat her for it. Running around with the burrito form version of you in her arms would be fun.


Almost all of them have that, so they know it sucks. The girls can do your makeup if you want to look more feminine, the boys can help you look strong as H E C C if you wanna look more masculine, and if you don't want to look like either, they'll all kinda make a new look and call it 'chaos'.


.....can she buy you euphoria? She sure as hell will try. New clothing, lessons to make you sound like your preferred tone, hell, she'll even go as far as to pay for an entire surgical re-haul if you really want her to.


....is that some sort of dish? Is 'dysphoria' edible? They are more than clueless to it, they are smol brained when it comes to it. If you explain they'll probably try to help with hugs and food.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They are a ball of anger and dysphoria. You two will be dysphoric together, it'll be like a terrible party, you'll both just lay on the floor with snacks and talk about random shit until you feel a little better....its not as bad when someone is beside you.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

....can he hit it? Because he will legitimately try. He will attempt to go sangwoo on dysphoria's ankles because he thinks it'll make you feel better and go cause chaos with him more often....please explain or he may stab things.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He'll just pull you in his arms and whisper compliments to make you feel euphoric, he wont let you go until you fall asleep....then he'll just grin and stare at you. If he ever meets somebody who mocks you for not feeling happy with yourself, he will go batshit crazy...that person will be dead, you have no control over that.


All you have to do is tell him when you have a dysphoric episode, then he'll give you his ghost sheet and let you wear it until you feel better, you two dubbed the sheet 'the all powerful almighty'...its like a God now.

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