they get you back!

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Part 3 of 3!


She successfully finds a trail and leads it back to you, expecting you to go with her, but when you act shocked and refuse..she gets kind of angry.

"Cant you see i love you?! For weeks I've been searching for you! I've been going on every second because without you just nobody...a figure with nobody to love, I've been looking for you because without're part of me, and i don't want to lose you."


He searched far and wide, his hope of finding you growing smaller every time hed turn a corner without seeing your face, it got up to the point where he doubted hed ever hear your voice again, when one day, he somehow found you, standing on a windowsill, he jumped up and grabbed your hands, hoping to see your smile, but only sees surprise in your eyes.

"(Y/n), you have no idea how much I've missed you! I-I've been looking for you for weeks! Oh, i could just kiss you! Ah...thats getting too ahead, for now, please, lets go back to being side by side, I've missed you so much! So...please?"


It was completely accidental, he was about to cross a small wooden plank, when he saw you on the other side, he ran as fast as he could and tackled you down, gripping your waist tightly and refusing to let go, already sobbing the second he saw you.

"Y-you're here! I cant believe you're here..! I've missed you so much, I've been so sad without you...i cant believe im looking at you..(y/n), please, lets go back to being together, i don't care if we go back to risking our lives long as you're with me, i don't care what happens."


He lost hope with every second he spent without you, but he refused to accept that he might never see you again, the day he starts to feel like There's nothing left for him..he sees you, standing outside in the pouring rain, he walks over to you and pulls off his coat, putting it over you.

"You'll catch your death out glad to see you, I've actually been looking for you since you left, I've missed you a lot...can you please come home? Whatever you felt like you had to leave there, i want to help you with it..because i love you."

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She had all her staff on the hunt for you, and she was also looking, she wanted to be sure she found you before the maw has to stop at shore, she was beginning to become desperate for your smile, your voice, everything about you was like a drug to her, and she feels like shes going through a withdrawal, when she finds you in the lower areas of the maw, she quickly pulls you into a hug, breathing at a hysterical speed.

"You cant run like that! What if you were kidnapped, or beaten?! Or EATEN?! i was so worried, im sorry i tried keeping you to myself, im just scared, you're the only person I've ever loved, and im absolutely terrified of losing you...!"

The Doctor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Am i the only one who pictures him as a hot mad scientist-looking guy?]

He sends lots of his patients to find you, but when he gets nowhere with that, he'll actually go out and search for you himself! He'll find you kind of quickly, making him wish that he just searched for you in the beginning instead of making all those patients, when he sees you, he grabs your shoulders and look straight into your eyes.

"Ah, i finally found have no idea how many patients I've made to get to you, but somehow, i beat them all. So, my you think you're ready to come home? I've missed you so much, and i feel like i cant get by much longer without your touch again...please, come home?"

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