extremely shy s/o

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Requested by SupperKittyGirl!

I need to find somebody to aggressively agree with me about Brahms Heelshire being a victim-


She doesn't understand, i mean, why are you so put off by so much? Its confusing, they're people, they can't hurt you more tham you could hurt them. She'll try to understand it, but she most likely won't ever get the hand of it, although she'll be pissy if she knows somebody else is making you uncomfortable.


So you don't like pushy confrontation or crowded areas? Alright! He'll get some aspects of it, but this boy is so extroverted that he sometimes forgets your shy and drags you off to a bunch of people to talk to them, although if you say you're uncomfortable he'll immediately understand and drag you away from them.


He's relatively shy too, so he understands your struggle very well. You and him will be secluded together, eating snacks and talking, he is more than happy to share snacks. And if somebody tries to drag you away to somewhere you'll be scared or stressed at...sevens gonna be pissed.


Oh the teases...he will make so many nicknames and dumb jokes about it, but then he'll feel really shitty about it if you actually get offended or sad, i mean, he'll do it again, he just feels bad about it. He'll try to make you feel better by reminding you how isolated the forest is, but besides that, he has no idea on how to help you.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She's unbelievably understanding and may even go out of her way to help you cope with this, shyness can be very stressful and the crowded maw is not a place for somebody shy, she'll try her best to bring you to secluded areas or bring you along with her wherever she goes, she doesn't like you alone and Doesn't like you in crowded areas.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He's pretty anxious over people and gets really secluded, so you preferring seclusion is his favorite thing about you, you two can just hide away from the world in the signal tower, he'll have you to calm him and you'll have him to keep you from being stressed, it sounds perfect to him.


She has a few students that are extremely shy and hide from the others, so she understands your issue very well and is actually unbelievably helpful, she'll let you stay in her music room whenever you feel stressed or anxious, and she'll get absolutely fucking livid towards students if they purposefully put you in stressful or humiliating situations. Porcelain will fly and children will cry.


He'll ask you to break down how make you comfortable, then he tries his best to do exactly what you've told him, he'll constantly be by your side and if he knows somethings wrong and if somebody is making you stressed, he'll pop into the conversation and ask them to please stop because you don't feel comfortable, he tries his best, but he's too extroverted to understand unless you explain it to him, but if you do, he'll commit it to memory.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stick with her and she'll beat the absolute shit out of anybody who makes you scared, she is dedicated to being that terrifying figure beside the shy person she adores, so just say the word and she will act like an inhuman assassin.


Some will understand, some will be clueless, and some are assholes and mock you for it. Theres quite a few that are really shy too, they have this blocked off classroom they have a secret entrance for, its the calm zone, you're more than welcome to join and draw on the walls with them.


Can she buy you help?? Tell her what to do, she's too rich to think she can't help. Giant fluffy blankets and really good food seem to be her go-to when she realizes how stressful shyness can be, so now you own a lot of giant blankets and you have a comfort food pantry.


[Should these two have names?]

They have very separate ways of helping you, one invites you to the kitchen and teaches you to make food he really likes to make when he's stressed, he also tries to make you associate the chefs' areas with happiness so you'll feel better when You're around them

....the other one tries to take away the shy with sheer chaos, they teach you how to make ketchup packet bombs and you two throw them at really rude guests, they think it'll make you happy enough to forget your shyness, as you can see, they have no idea on what shyness is.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They will be the looming figure of darkness and death beside the shy person, they act like they give no fuck about your shyness, but if they know somebody is crossing your boundaries, let alone knowingly making you uncomfortable, they will wreak hell upon them and whoever dares to stop them. They aggressively care, but they will never let you know it.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh he gets unbelievably protective over you, You're now the person he blocks from people, if somebody tries to do so much as shake your hand he'll slap them and shoo them away, he'll beat the shit out of somebody if he feels its needed.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh HELL YEAH, This is so amazing for his goals! He'll promise to keep you safe and comfortable, then disappear from you in a crowded area, then 'find' you and act really concerned and caring, now you'll associate him with safety...! He'll use your shyness and natural anxiety towards pushy crowded areas to his advantage, his goal is to make you scared without him, and he's gonna get that fucking goal.


He may have actually planned this, he's planned a lot of things in case he finds out something about you that he needs to prepare for, there is one day out of the week that is dedicated to quiet time, cuddles, and overeating and then complaining about your stomach aches, its amazing and he looks forward to that day all week.

Pigtail girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She's really shy too, the only difference is she also has really severe anxiety behind her as well, having somebody that's also shy makes her feel a little less alone, she'll stay beside you constantly to both help you feel comfortable and keep herself from internally dying from the fear of suddenly being alone forever.

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