Them being jealous of someone they dont know is your sibling.

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Requested by blackkillerbunny!


Would mark her godamn territory like an animal, she'll grab your hand and refuse to let go until they leave, when you explain that it was your sibling, she says it doesnt matter, they wanted attention and thats hers.


His response to any kind of jealousy is the mono death grip, he just stares at the sibling while death gripping you, once they leave and you explain it was your sibling, he apologizes...but he'll probably do it again if he feels threatened.


YANDERE SEVEN ACTIVATE. he will stare down the sibling with the most horrifically menacing expression, it doesn't matter if you explain who it is, he still doesn't like them.


Flicks their forehead and tries to tease them to make them get mad and leave, but it ends in your sibling trying to thanos snap your boyfriend into a grave, you are dating a child, keep him on a leash or hes gonna cause his own death.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Such a polite woman, she greets them and immediately introduces herself as your Lover, so they know not to do shit they're gonna regret, even if she does get jealous she doesn't want to act on it...she doesn't want you trying to run off in a huff and get stuck somewhere.


Creepy fucker explains the many ways of silent murder to your poor sibling, he knows what hes doing, and he gives no cares on who it is...just hit him, maybe it'll activate the brain he seems to never use.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gets snacks for you and him, and then says 'theres not enough for three, sorry!', jealous man-boy will make your sibling pissed, once theyre gone he'll pout about them making him feel mad.


She'll ask them to help with a lesson, and then purposefully make them answer questions that would piss students off, they chased your sibling away from the school...shes either a genius or a regular asshole.


Doesnt really mind, he trusts that you're faithful and wouldn't take any advances people may give you, he would also befriend your sibling by talking about their wishes and hopes...he is so wholesome.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Watches them closely, basically staring directly at them for however long theyre around, she will not apologize or admit she shouldn't stare, and she will keep doing it, you cant stop her-


Oh hell no, they will emotionally torture your poor sibling, either by scaring the hell out of them or just being bullies, you have to keep your sibling away from them because now they try to go to war with them.


This smol thing will be really confident about it all, explaining that you are her lover and she will not hesitate to do drastic things if they try to take you...then when she finds out you're siblings she gets embarrassed.


One just vibes with your sibling, the other hates them because you always give a lot of attention to them when they're around, basically one wants to kill them and the other wants to cook and be dumb with them.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tries to lock them in rooms or push them down stairs, overall her goal is to commit a murder, if you pull her aside and explain that the person is your sibling, she will understand and explain that she doesn't give a fu-

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They dont mind more company, the best way to defeat an enemy is to make them your friend, so they befriend your sibling and all of you play and read books together! They only find out they're your sibling after a week of being their friend.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Try to weird them out by telling fake tales of him assaulting people, even though a lot arent fake. You'll have to explain he cant scare your sibling, although if you wanna see him pull a knife and start making weird noises, then just be silent.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DEATH! he will try everything in his power to kill them, he hates anyone who may take the slightest bit of love away from him, doesn't matter if you explain its your sibling, he now wants murder, and whenever he sees your sibling, he will try to fulfill that want.

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