them without you

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Part 2 of 3!


Much more easy to piss off, porcelain kid looks at her? Death, janitor does his clicky thing near her? Death, do you get the pattern? She's on the hunt for you, and nothing, nothing, will make her stop.


Slightly depressed, without you to joke around with and tell stories to, hes almost always just a silent and sad boy, after the second day, he couldn't take living without you, so he decides to try finding you.


Empty, he doesn't really have a reason to stay strong anymore, so he just wanders around in hopes of seeing you, some nights he'll dream about you coming back and hugging him, then he wakes up and pretends hes still dreaming.


Vengeful, spiteful, basically just angry, he'll wander the woods and city and prays to every god he can think of that he'll happen to see you pass by, every night he goes home to sleep, he'll pretend you're next to him, that you can hear him saying sorry and that he loves you.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shes constantly searching for you, refusing to go anywhere near land until she finds you, because shes terrified of what could happen if they reach land and you go out, shed never be able to find you...!

The doctor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He sends lots of his 'patients' out into the city to bring you back, some of them search after they board the maw, some are acting as dummies in the school, they're all over the place, its only a matter of time until he finds you..

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