if you were a naga/lamia

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Requested by Yuku-Chan!


She may be confused the first time she meets you, but she'll get more comfortable over time, she likes your scale pattern, she thinks its the only pretty thing in the pale city, and the only nice thing in the maw.


All about it immediately, he loves that you're different, and he never lets you feel like you're a freak beside him. He knows enough about snakes that they get really cold, so he hugs you at night so you won't be.


You are his amazing wonder of a kid now, its usually the nagas/lamias that hold treasure against humans, but seven holds you away from the...everything. One scratch on you and there will be death.


He acts like you're no big deal, but in reality he secretly adores you, you're different, both in looks and personality wise, he will never let you know how much he loves you, but your scale that he put on a little charm necklace is a good hint at it.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She sees you as a representation that good things don't have to be normal. You may actually be very popular among the maw, like a sign of love.


He will immediately go into doctor mode and ask to test your scales and blood, if you say no he'll be pouty, but understand, if you say yes he'll have a hell of a day.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Snakes need warmth, he is warm...forever cuddle buddy, best life ever, a tall emotionally scarred cuddle buddy and a large snake cuddle buddy, such a great life.


You're an ongoing biology experiment, she likes the mystery of you, and she cant wait to learn everything about you, you can make jokes about it too...shes the  N e c c  to your  s n e k .


He doesn't mind in the slightest, even though a lot of people call you a monster, he doesn't think you are. you're (y/n), not a monster or a bad person, snake or not he loves the hell out of you!

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you're venomous she'll have an amazing time with killing evil things, you're the venom that weakens them and shes the final hit, great pair!


You're kind of like a class pet, they all love you to pieces and would commit arson to keep you warm. No harm comes to their slithery partner in crime.


She would gladly have custom made suits and dresses made for you so your tail won't be a problem, her favorite part of the day is reading a book, drinking tea, and sitting on your coiled tail.


They'd like to learn snake eating habits, if you lean more on the snake side with your diet, they'd be pretty happy about you hunting down the vermin in the kitchen, you're like a permanent fix to all the rats!

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

...they may use you for arson. This is the first and final warning, they can strike matches on your scales and light things on fire. You are their arson helper, like it or not.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Snake cuddles are the best, no doubt, they love cuddling up to your tail and sleeping there, they also really like your tail pattern, overall they adore your snake side.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Can you kill people with venom? If yes, he will be like a giddy kid, a new tool in his unruly chaos, if no, he may still find some amusement in you biting people in the kneecap.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He practically worships you, you're one of a kind and he loves everything about that, you will never be hurt when You're around him, he loves the hell out of you and will never let a single person near you. You're his, and he refuses to let you go.


His head only has one thought. 'shapes and colors', he loves your scales because the pattern makes his brain happy, he likes the idea of helping you stay warm, it means more hugs for him!

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