how they get their s/o's attention

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Requested by blackkillerbunny!


Will walk up to you, grab you by your shirt, and look at you with a bored expression, before just asking for attention and putting her head on your lap.


Walks over and sits down criss cross style, then sets his head on your shoulder and asks you if you can give him some attention, then even if you say no, hes gonna mono death grip you with his love.


Anxious boi will just grab your hand weakly and looks at you with a nervous, face, then asks if you would go play with him cause he's bored staying still but sad without you next to him.


The shotgun wielding brat will throw a tantrum, knocking something random over in a different room so you'll run over to see what happened, then he'll tackle you into his arms and say 'while you're here, how about some attention?'.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tells you shes made some tea and snacks, that almost always gets her some attention cuddles, if not...she'll probably pick you up and take you there anyways.


Has so little time to give or get attention, so when he can, he will. No matter what he's gotta do, he once threw a fucking prosthetic hand at you just to get an excuse to save you and get hugs...he is relentless.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This man loves attention to the point of knowing exactly how to get it every time, so when he wants it, he'll play to your soft spots, it may sound a little dark but at least he only uses it for attention...and sometimes snacks.


She'll ask you to help her in the classrooms, that's close enough to attention and work at the same time, so its her perfect day.


Oh hell yes, he loves attention! He'll hug you and ask if you wanna watch TV with him. even though hes blind, the sound of the TV and you hugging him is his favorite thing in the world.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Blandly just says 'attention', before grabbing your hand and staring into your soul, its terrifying and cute at the same time.


They will tackle you to the floor and hug you aggressively, you should hope theres not more than three or four that want attention at the time, a dozen would crush you into an angry pancake.

The pretender~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Confidently says you're gonna have a tea party with her, and then practically drags you to whatever table she wants to sit at and asks you how your day is going....shes not gonna let you leave for at least an hour.


One has an idea of making a really good meal and talking at the table, the other has an idea of taking you to different areas of the maw for a walk, it ends in an argument and by the time you walk in to see what the yelling is about, a sausage was chucked and missed a twin, smacking you in the face...they are now blaming each other for the airborne meat projectile.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Drags you by either your hands or feet to a random area, then hugs you really tightly and refuses to let you up, silent and scary, but shes pretty satisfied with the outcome of it.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Some may ask politely, some may hold your hand, and some may hug you, they all have their own ways of asking for attention, but all of them don't wanna force you, they'd feel bad, so they're all subtle but adorable with it.

LN oneshots and scenarios! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora