when they realized they loved you

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Testosterone hit my voice like a fucking truck--


She doesn't know when, she does...did, she suddenly felt like the entire world was revolving around the both of you, it was when you were being chased by the chefs, you pushed her out of the way and she felt like the world stopped...you saved her life, now she doesn't want you to ever leave it.


At the school, he was pinned down and you were taken by the bullies, he had the immediate urge to take you back from those monsters, when he finally found you...he knew he didn't want you to be taken away again.


He always knew, since the very second you two met he's been head over heels with you, he saw your face and just...knew, 'that person over there is my soulmate'.


He doesn't know, since he had barely had human contact in his entire life he never knew how to separate love from friendship, so his relationship with you was always confusing to him, he just felt it happen one day when he was teaching you to shoot his gun.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

One day she was on the balcony, staring out to the night sky that sparkled apon the sea, when you walked outside to check on her, the stars sparkling behind you made her heart skip a beat...she knew what she felt of you at that moment.


It was one time around 11pm, He was stressed and overworked, you stayed by his side all night so he wouldn't be alone in his stuffy operating room...that was all it took for him to start feeling butterflies.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It took a while for him to come to terms with relationships after...the tower incident, he never wanted to see another human again, he tried to push you away by acting mean or selfish, but odly enough...you never left, he hated loving that you stayed with him...he hated loving you in general, because what will happen when you leave too?


She was writing piano sheet music and started noticing that some of the songs she was writing were...sappy, and when she played them she could only think of 'would (y/n) like this?', she didn't know what it meant until she really did play a song to you...that smile made her entire day light up.


He sort of always knew, he loved everything he learned of you and loves everything he's still learning, he wishes he could see your smile so he could love that too. He gushes over every single thing you do, every story you tell, he loves anything you do.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She was being chased with you, the pretender saw the two of you and you stupidly ran in a vent, odly enough her survival instinct was off, usually she only thinks of saving herself, but in that moment...she felt like she only needed to save you, and thinking of what would happen if she didn't made her want to vomit. To her, that's love.


Most knew from the start, explaining their immediate possessiveness over you, some didn't realize for a few weeks, or months, but over all most of the students fell for you over time, they like how you don't fit in, they love the danger you represent by being you.

The pretender~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She thought of it as a fairy tale, you helped her when she spilled tea on her favorite gown and she just made big clicks in her head, from then on out she thought of you as a knight, a guardian for the princess, in her way, that means she loves you.


One had a crush developing after a week of meeting you, you were helping them find ingredients for dinner and the smile on your face made them fall hard, the other fell a month later, after hearing the other fell for you he tried to make them jealous by pretending he was in love with you...two days of it and he actually did fall for you.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In an evil monologue, they were thinking of how their plan to destroy the city would pan out, and for some reason they couldn't imagine killing you off...its never happened before, but they didn't want you to die. That's their version of love.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Just being around made them love you, you were like an angel in their dark world, most fell really quickly, some may have never fallen at all and think of you as a best friend, but they're all extremely fond of you.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He knew relatively quickly, you were picked up by a viewer and he felt the biggest anger adrenaline he's ever had, he grabbed a hammer and completely obliterated the poor thing, after that he had his words set in his mind forever. 'I killed for you, you're mine'.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He immediately knew, his entire dark world dissipated when you came into it, he immediately took that as you being his true love, and now he'll keep you forever...it doesn't matter if he needs to hurt, steal, or murder, he will never let you leave.


He felt like he had a crush since a few hours after he met you, your smile, your voice, even silly things like moles or scars made him feel dizzy in the heart, like a school boy with his first crush.

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