Chapter 159: Switching Sides

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Night of Champions:


Seth's music came on.

"Well guys, here's the man that Roman Reigns was supposed to face tonight," Cole announced.

Seth came walking out with a huge smile on his face as he held up his Money in the Bank briefcase.

"How can he have a smile on his face after what happened to Roman Reigns, as close as they were well they were apart of the Shield," Jerry commented, "I mean, these guys were like brothers."

"If you just found that you wouldn't be facing Roman Reigns tonight, wouldn't you be smiling too, King?" JBL questioned.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Jerry agreed.

Seth made it into the ring as he continued to show off his Money in the Bank.

"Seth Rollins, Mr. Money in the Bank, he can cash in anytime to become WWE World heavyweight champion," Cole said.

"And their is a possibility that it could be tonight," Jerry added.

Seth walked over to retrieve a microphone from Justin Roberts.

The music stopped as Seth stopped in the middle of the ring and looked around the arena.

"Isn't it amazing how life works sometimes? Just crazy," Seth started pacing, "I mean one minute you're on top of the world and the next...... well...... you're Roman Reigns."

Seth laughed as the crowd booed him.

"Now my former partner and brother was scheduled to compete against me here tonight, but I got word yesterday that Roman Reigns was rushed to a hospital here in Nashville."

"But emergency surgery is no excuse for not being here tonight!" Seth exclaimed, "But I'm going to give Roman a chance. I'm going to give him ten seconds to get here or I'm going to have to except Roman Reigns forfeit and have my hand raised in victory."

Seth looked at the ref, "If you would please ring the bell."

The ref did as he was told before counting.


"Oh come on, he knows Roman Reigns is in the hospital!" Jerry exclaimed.




"He's just gloating," Jerry muttered.




"This is ridiculous, he knows Roman Reigns is in the hospital," Cole said.




Seth smiled in satisfaction.

"He's basking in the glory!" JBL exclaimed.

"Whatever," Jerry muttered.

"Your winner as a result of a forfeit, Seth Rollins!" Justin Roberts announced.

"I would have done the same thing!" JBL exclaimed.

"Why would he be basking in the glory!" Jerry exclaimed, "He didn't do anything to Roman Reigns."

"Hold on.... Hold on," Seth suddenly said.

"It's not official until you raise my hand," Seth said, holding his arm out.

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