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I'm surprising Camila out in Cojimar where our wedding is. We have a week until our day and she's not expecting me to be out there until about 3 days before the wedding because I had interviews. I just blew them off because I wanted to see this beautiful town she was born in.

I walked down the steps of the public bus to stand on a long trail that leads to a huge building beside the water. It's an absolutely beautiful hotel set in the middle of the most beautiful landscape of rocks and grass. It's the most breath taking place I've ever seen. Camila picked a good spot to get married in. She actually bought out this hotel so we could bring all of our closest family and friends together to stay with us while we celebrate this joyous occasion.

Except, it's probably gonna be hell.

When Camila's family found out she was getting married, they were overjoyed. Well, that was until they found out I'm a girl. They are the religious ones of the family, obviously. But they decided to attend the festivities because Camila explained everything to them. I'm sure there was also a little begging in the process, too.

I shuffled my feet down the gravel road to get closer to the hotel. The breeze of this town is absolutely spine tingling. I can't believe this place is so perfect. No wonder Camila loves her home.

I quietly opened the unlocked door and shut it behind me. I sat down my luggage and crept in slightly to see Camila alone on a couch with her nose pressed in a book and earbuds in her ears. I smirked and walked closer to my fiancé. Wow, it's so cool to say that.

Her body was turned away from the entrance of the house which gave me the chance to sneak attack her.

Camila's back was propped up on the arm of the sofa and legs pressed up close to her chest. She was unaware of the world around her. I love that about her. She gets out of her world and into another one when she reads. It's so passionate and sexy.

I wrapped my arms around her torso and pressed my lips on her neck.

Without warning, Camila retaliated fearfully and elbowed me in the face to turn around and defend herself.

My hand went over my face and I could feel a lot of pain take over. Fucking shit.

"Babe! Oh my God!" Camila exclaimed. "I didn't know who you were. I didn't even- what? When did you-? I didn't mean to. I swear." She walked over to my side.

"It's fine sweetie. And it's nice to see you too. You look beautiful as always." I muffled through my hand with a smile trying to make this less horrible.

Camila pulled my fingers off of my face, "Lemme see it. It looks like you're bleeding."

"Probably." I laughed.

Her eyes scanned the injury and she bit her lip.

"Is it that bad?" I asked in fear that it'd be bruised for our big day.

Camila smiled, "No, but come with me so we can get a paper towel. Your nose is bleeding." She clutched my hand and pulled me through the living room in to the hotel bathroom. Her hands wet a paper towel and she pulled it up to blot my nose.

"What are you even doing here so early? You have a interview with Ryan Seacrest tomorrow." She asked with a smile.

"Reschedule. He said he understood because of the wedding and all, but I can only do the interview with you now. Like a newlywed interview." I smirked at her. "I mean, we'll talk about the movie but you have to be there."

Camila's eyes brightened, "I'd love to. Ryan is my fave."

"I know. That's why I negotiated for you." I said pulling her in close. Our faces were inches away and those eyes were calling me.

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now