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"Do you think it's drugs?" Dinah asked all of us as I sat back down on the couch.

The girls and I were starting to theorize what was wrong with Y/N not even two minutes after she was out the door. We could all see it. This thing that was bringing her down.

I shook my head and looked over at Dinah, "No. I mean, it may have some part in it but it's something else. She tries to act normal when she's high. This is just.... I dunno."

"How about we go look in that backpack she has strapped on her all the time?" Dinah suggested, trying to figure this out like an episode of Law and Order.

"And snoop through her things?" Lauren said with unbelief. Here comes all holy and moral Lauren. "And what do we do if we find something? How upset do you think she'd be?"

"Let's go." I blurted out without thinking and stood up to walk towards the bedroom to grab her black back pack and bring it out to the table.

The other four girls circled around the table as I unzipped the bag to see a mess of shit just thrown in there. She's just as disorganized as I am.

I had no choice but to turn the bag upside down and let the mess just fall out. Except this was a mess I wasn't prepared to see.

Not only did one baggie of weed and cocaine fall out, but so did three small razor blades.

I started getting emotional but I decided to keep myself straightened up until I was able to open the front pocket. Once I did that, four unmarked pill bottles fell out which made me want to just burst out in tears.

She's hid too much from me for too long and now I don't know how to even help her.

Ally reached out and grabbed one of the razor blades to look at me, "I think I know why she won't take her jacket off now."


"That'll be $15.54." Said the convenience store worker behind the register.

I pulled out my wallet to pay for the packs of cigarettes for Lauren and I, a lighter, and a bottle of soda for me.

As the man began counting out my change he looked at me weird, "I'm sorry. Do I know you from somewhere?"

I looked down at my fingers and smiled, grabbing my bag full of goodies, "No. I don't think so."

"Oh." He frowned handing me my change, "Well, anyways. Have a good day ma'am."

I nodded and stuffed the money into my back pocket, "You too."

I strolled out of the store and started on my way to a park across the street. It seemed private enough to allow me to sit down on the grass, take out a smoke, and try to figure out how I would even come to terms with telling the girls some of the things I've gotten myself into without them.

Although, I shouldn't have to answer to them. They're all basically Moms who want 'what's best for me' but sometimes I just want to get fucked up or sleep but they don't allow either of those choices.

I hit the brand new pack a few times before opening the package and pulling out one cig. I let it sit on the edge of my mouth before I took the lighter to light it up.

After I exhaled the smoke, I began seriously thinking of how I would tell them about the cuts when they saw my arms. I'm sure it would happen eventually.

Should I blame it on a cat? No, that's too cliche and I don't even have a cat.

Should I just say I fell? Are you fucking serious? Who falls and gets hurt just in that area?

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now