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I couldn't see anything because of the blindfold Dinah put on me. I mean, I'm guessing she's trying to be all secretive but it's kind of pointless.

"Tell me we're there already, Dinah." I groaned, "I'm getting sleepy."

"Normani light this for her so she'll stop complaining." Dinah said throwing something.

Normani whined, "I don't wanna light this."

"Don't look at me." Ally responded.

"Is it weed?" I joked. No one answered. I yanked my blindfold off to see Dinah had 4 joints in a Baggie. "YOU REALLY GOT ME WEED?! OH MY GOD!" I grabbed the bag from Normani and the lighter to get a joint and light it up.

"Ally put that blindfold back on her!" Dinah demanded.

She did as was told as I took in the smoke to let it fill my lungs.

"I don't even care if we make it now." I laughed taking another big hit.

"Save some for me. Jeez." Dinah groaned, "I put in work tonight and I'm gonna get turnt."

I nudged Ally and held it out to her, "You want a hit?"

"You want a slap?" She replied with sass lacing her voice.

"Point taken. Normani do you?"

"Maybe later. Right now we gotta get to the party." She laughed.

"Driving Dinah, you want a hit?"

"No she doesn't." Ally growled.

Dinah reached out and grabbed the joint from my hand, "One hit isn't going to hurt me, Allycat." She took a hit and began coughing roughly, "I've been mistaken."

"Gimme that." I laughed, blindly reaching out for the joint to retrieve it and put it back in my mouth.

"Ew. That fucking smells." Ally whined.

I blew smoke in her face and chuckled, "Learn to love it."

I felt a slap on my arm, "Don't do that again."


"We're here." Dinah rejoiced. "Ally, help Y/N out of the car. And Y/N, put that baggie in your pocket."

"Dinah, you aren't the designated driver. Are you?" I whined. I need a drinking buddy and even though Dinah is more of a light weight than me, she's better than nothing.

My feet landed on pavement as Ally put her arm on the small of my back to guide me.

"Mama Sunshine over there is the D.D. "

"Y'all make me feel old." Ally groaned.

"Just a little bit." I responded feeling us walk into a building as the a/c hit my exposed skin.

The blindfold was untied and Dinah posed in front of me. We were in a big club. It actually looked quite nice. Like something you'd see in the movies. Better yet, there were poles on the four corners of the building. I guess Dinah is a better party planner than I expected. She got all the things I wanted. Bad bitches and weed. Even though it was partially a joke.

I ran up to give Dinah big hug and kiss her cheek, "If I wasn't getting married tomorrow I'd wife you up."

"Just buy me some drinks and let me smoke. That'll be good enough." Dinah joked pulling me to the bar.

We all sat down in a row and more people piled in. Including Chloe, Jessie, Zendaya, and a few more of the girls' friends.

Ally pushed her hair back out of her face and laughed, "I'm gonna need to go to church for a few years after this."

I rubbed her back and laughed, "Jesus will understand that this is for your daughter."

"Oh, be quiet." Ally smirked.

We all got two shots of vodka placed in front of us. And this began the montage of drinks. Whiskey, bourbon, tequila, whatever you could think of, we probably had. I settled for a bottle of beer after a while so I wouldn't be too buzzed when I smoked later.

Dinah turned me around on the stool of the bar and held out a wad of cash. "We bouta make it rain, lil mama."

I grabbed the money and smirked, "You were reading my mind."

I jumped off the stool and hooked my arm with Dinah's. I could hear Ally yell from behind me, "Make good choices!"


Dinah and I went outside behind the building so we could smoke before we got a lap dance or two. She was already a little buzzed. Actually more like really buzzed, but who am I to judge? I'm feeling it a little bit too.

I started the joint then gave it to the tall Polynesian, "I'm sorry about Camila, DJ. You didn't deserve that." I told her honestly.

She sighed letting the smoke leave her lungs, "It's okay, Y/N. I know Taylor got in her head about it. She does that. Makes her think she could go solo, too. I don't know. She's gonna cause trouble. Worse than we can imagine."

I nudged her to lighted up, "Don't worry. I won't let her tell Camila to make a dumb decision. This group is not breaking up on my watch."

I took another hit and heard Dinah giggle, "I'm glad you're around again. You always know how to reassure us."

It made me happy to hear that. "Don't worry. I'll be around a lot more now. You'll never get rid of me after tomorrow."


After our lap dances, we went back to join the group of girls we came with. At this point, most of them were messes. I mean, absolute train wrecks. Similar to 2008 Britney Spears.

"I, I gotta go to the bathroom." I slurred walking over to the designated bathroom area.

I walked into the dirty old bathroom to hurry and walk back out. This time when I did, I turned a corner and ran into Lauren which caused me to fall because I'm not the best with my balance at the moment.

Lauren grabbed my arm to help me up and I noticed Camila was right beside her. At this point, I was super cross faded so I didn't think much of the fact that she was in a strip club with me.

"Aye Lilo and CimCam." I laughed.

Lauren did that little kid giggle, "Sup kid. How much have you had to drink?"

I shrugged, "It's all a blur. But it's obviously more than you've had. Ha!" I held my hand up for a high five, but she didn't do anything so I brought my other hand up to high five myself.

I turned my attention to Camila who was glaring at me with a smile. Almost like she was upset that I was fucked up but happy that I was with people that she trusted. Well, not Jessie. But you catch my drift.

"And you're looking ever so lovely, my bride." I smiled to her.

Camila pushed her hair back and nodded, "I'd say the same to you but you're actually very wasted. But still beautiful."

I flipped my hair confidently, "Thanks, boo." Then the thought came to my head. "Oh my God!" I reached into my back pocket to pull out the leftover wad of cash. "Mila, baby. You gotta get a lap dance." I started to give her the money but then I remembered the bet. "Fuck, Lauren. H-Hold out your hand."

Lauren did what I asked of her and I placed it gently in her grasp before whispering in her ear, "Ask for Cinnamon. She's A-1." I laughed.

I looked over to Camila and nodded, "Goodbye Ms. Cabello." Then I began hobbling off back to the bar where everyone was waiting for me.

Dinah grabbed my arm and laughed, "Let's go get food before we go back to the hotel. I got munchies."

"Ally!" I whined, "Will you please take me and DJ to get food?"

Ally grazed her hand softly over my cheek and frowned, "I guess but only because you're so messed up. But we're going straight to the hotel afterwards. Okay?"

"Yas!" I cheered. "Mani, Dinah, let's go!"

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now