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I woke up to a text from Uncle Mike the next morning.

Mikey Cyrus: meet me over on the lot at ABC now.

Y/N: woah. I don't even have pants on. chill. what's up your ass?

Mikey Cyrus: what's up my ass is that camila called me yesterday in the middle of filming. any guesses why?

Y/N: fuck

Mikey Cyrus: get some fucking pants on and get to the studio now before I come to your house and embarrass you in front of all your little friends.

I knew he meant business. Mikey had no shame in embarrassing me and making me feel bad in front of everyone else.

I hurried to get dressed and put my hair up in a quick pony. I climbed back into bed beside Camila and kissed her neck, "Your ass got me into trouble."

She yawned and turned to me with a smile, "Wha?"

"You know what. Mikey is making me go on site and get yelled at. If I get sent to rehab, it's on your head." I grumpily said.

Mila grabbed the back of my neck and placed a soft kiss on my lips, "It'll be fine." Her voice rasped. "Just hurry back because I wanna go eat lunch with you."

"Yeah, yeah." I kissed her again. "And brush your teeth, nasty."

She chuckled and turned back over on her side to fall back asleep. Lucky.


They were in the middle of taping when I walked in with a Starbucks drink in my hand. I needed my coffee.

Mike didn't pay attention to me until someone nudged him to look. Although I was intrigued by the actors on the stage.

He stomped up and slapped the drink out of my hand to have it fall on the floor, then grabbed me by my arm.

"You owe me a fucking coffee, asshole." I groaned while he pulled me further out of the lot to the back. "Who's gonna clean that shit up?"

"Who's gonna clean you up?" He gritted his teeth and growled angrily after slamming the back lot door. "You promised me you weren't going to abuse the pills. You said it was just because you were in so much pain. I supplied this shit and you were hurting yourself in the process."

"Mikey, they over exaggerated. I took one of the Percs and one Vicodin. Lauren and Ally saw the pills and flagged down Mila. They all flipped out. I was using them for what I said I was." I responded, staring him deeply in the eyes.

It wasn't a complete lie. It was true in some forms.

"But drinking while you do it? That's grounds for trying to fuck yourself up. I don't mind you drinking, you know I don't. But you have enough fucking sense to know not to do that while you're on strong medication." His southern accent was harsh and unforgiving. Also, you wanna know where I got my language from? Let's blame Mikey.

"I know, Mike. I'm sorry. Just please don't cut off the prescriptions. They really do help. The therapist says she sees a change. Don't quit on me." I begged.

I was becoming desperate.

ad•dic•tion - a compulsive habit that people obtain through repitition.

That's what was happening. I was becoming addicted to the thing that I didn't want to do with in the beginning. I begged Ally to not allow me to take those pills but the high became the craving.

I was falling apart but I wasn't going to let anyone know. Not now. Not ever. I may not be smart but I'm stubborn.

Mikey sighed and looked deep into my eyes, "If I do this, you have to take them under Camila's supervision. I know what you went through with your ribs wasn't easy. Especially with Dan and Mary fucking them up. But you have to get off of them soon."

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now