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I shuffled around the Cuban airport waiting for Chloe. Normani tagged along before Ally could get to me. She said 'you don't need a mom coming with you to pick up friends'. And I agreed. Plus, Camila couldn't come with me because she had a few final arrangements to tend to.

It wasn't too busy inside. A few people walked in and out but planes hadn't boarded or landed for a while.

Normani nudged me as we took a seat side by side and waited, "So, you're getting married soon. Are you nervous?"

I shook my head, "We've basically been married for years, Mans. If anything, that should've scared me."

Normani chuckled, "You right, fam. You right. So, what's Chloe like? I'm thinking she's a little like her Carrie character. Minus the bullying and telekinesis."

"She's actually really nice and funny. I mean, she's very introverted. Well, was. But I changed that real fast. She just seems like she genuinely wants to be my friend. No flirting or controlling nature. She's just a good person." I gushed. It's not often that I don't feel like I'm being hit on from day to day. But Chloe kinda made me feel accepted. Especially after the premiere. She seemed to be more star struck about me than I was to her.

I felt someone's hands go over my eyes, "Gimme all yo money!" She exclaimed.

I pulled her hands off of my eyes and got up to turn around with with a huge smile, "Chloe. Oh god! It's so great to see you." I gave her a big hug and grabbed her bags from her clutch.

"Same goes for you, wham." She replied.

"Wham?" Normani asked.

"Oh shit. Where are my manners?" I smiled, "Chloe this is Normani and Normani this is Chloe."

Normani gave Chloe a platonic hug, "It's so great to meet you finally." She pulled away and continued her question, "So why do you call her wham?"

"'Cause she 'whammed' her head into a glass door right as I was about to meet her and I laughed so hard I almost broke an ankle in the heels I was wearing." Chloe laughed hysterically.

I pouted, "Don't judge me, you fuck face. I was exhausted and I didn't even get to pay attention to where I was going because there were camera flashes everywhere."

She tried to calm down, "Excuses, excuses."

We began walking back to the car and I had to pull Chloe over to the side to whisper in her ear without trying to look obvious to Normani, "Don't mention the movie at all. Not yet."

"Why not?"

"Cause Camila doesn't need to know yet and if one person finds out, she'll definitely know."

"I don't get it." She admitted. "But I'll keep my mouth shut."


"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled as we walked through the door of the hotel.

Camila walked in with a smile, "You're so weird." She saw Chloe and ran to give her a jumping hug. "Oh god, I'm so happy you made it. Maybe you can get Y/N out of my hair."

"Hey! I haven't even got to be around you." I whined.

She looked back, "Yeah, and you've been complaining about it ever since." Mila grabbed Chloe's arm, "I'll show you to your room."

Lauren grabbed my arm and took me into the living room to sit with Dinah, Mani, and Ally. Except there was also a fifth part to the party. Nicholas.

Ally had him in her arms and was doing that little baby talk thing to him. "Who's a little cutie? You are. Yes you are."

I rubbed my temples in annoyance, "Seriously, Alls?"

She laughed, "I would just love to have a baby one day."

Dinah clicked her tongue, "Shoot, but not today, Mama. You gonna have to be without child until the second album."

I groaned, "Can we please not talk about work here. It legit stresses me out."

Normani ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek, "Don't be a sourpuss. In fact, rumor has it that you're working on an album."

"Who's working on a album?" Camila asked walking into the room with Chloe.

"No one." I laughed trying to change the subject.

"My girl Z told me that Scooter signed you for your debut album." Normani blurted out sassily.

"I'm playing stupid on purpose, Mani. Catch the hint." I replied sternly.

"Y/n, can I talk to you in here for a second?" Camila asked with her hands on her hips.

"Oooo, Lil Mama is in trouble." Dinah laughed taking the lollipop out of her mouth.

I got up from the couch to smack Normani on the arm harshly before following Camila to a separate room away from everyone else.

The door was closed behind us and she crossed her arms, "Why would you keep that a secret?"

I put my hands in my pockets so I wouldn't disturb the bet, "'Cause I'm not worried about it right now. I'm focusing on the present as always. And right now, we're getting married in two days. I'm sure there's a lot more to worry about now than in the future."

"I just hate that you're keeping things from me." She pouted.

"I know but I'm doing it for a good reason. When we're moved into the house in L.A., I'll tell you everything and we'll be an official team. But for now, lets get through these last days and get hitched."

A small smile started to form out of the side of her mouth, "I'd kiss you but I'm not losing the bet."

"Neither am I, sweet cheeks." I turned the handle and exited the tiny room back into the living room.

"Did ya lose the bet?" Lauren asked.

I shook my head, "Nope. It's still on and I'm pretty sure I'm not the one in danger."

"What bet?" Sinuhe said coming into the conversation.

Dinah began to speak. "Well, Camila and Y/N have a bet that-"

I hurried over to cover her mouth before she started saying stupid shit, "-That we both really love each other and we'll buy each other food for a year."

"What?" Sinuhe was utterly confused but you could tell she didn't really care. "Um ok. Well, I just came in here to tell you all that we are eating dinner on the beach tonight so don't wear sneakers."

"Thanks mama." Camila said placing a chaste kiss on Sinuhe's cheek. "I gotta go finish the stupid seating chart. So have fun and stay safe you guys."

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now