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I began taking my solemn steps with Uncle Mike holding onto me while flashes escaped camera lights. I made slight nods to people but I kept my glare on the front to the top. All of the bridesmaids, including Camila's, walked in after me. Then the most beautiful flower girl, aka Sofi, threw red rose petals out of the basket which made me smile. She did what I asked.

My heart was racing thinking of all the things happening now. It hit me. I'm about to get married to one of the most beautiful, vibrant, funny, sweet, senusual people in all of Cuba and America. How did I get so lucky with such a shitty life?

Everyone remained standing as the most beautiful woman in the world appeared before my eyes in a long white dress. Her arm hooked to Alejandro's as he helped her down the aisle with a sweet smile. Her red rose bouquet in her hands was just the cherry on top of the cake. The veil covering her soft face yet I was still able to make out the features beneath the thin fabric.

With each step, she got closer and I got more nervous yet stayed as calm as possible. This will change it all. No more worries about break ups. We'll be together.

She made it up to the front and stepped up to bend over so Alejandro could pull the veil over her and kiss her cheek.

I grabbed her hand and when she got close I whispered, "Guess I lost the bet, but I was getting too impatient."

It made her smile. The seats filled once more as everyone sat down.

The priest made a long speech about love and I kinda blurred it out. I kept eyeing Mila. Not in a completely sexual way, but in a starstruck way. We always talked about this day, but I never expected it to happen.

The dark haired priest spoke out once more, "If anyone believes that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

I swear to god, if someone says something or even coughs I will beat the absolute shit out of them.

Nothing. Not a peep. Not a accidental sneeze. Quiet as fuck. Thank God.

"Whew!" I whispered making Camila giggle.

The priest heard me and smiled, "Now, Camila and Y/N have wrote their own vows and would like to share them. Y/N, please join hands with Camila and proceed."

We turned to each other and gripped each other's hands. I took a deep breath and looked at her happy face while I let words spill from my mouth.

"Hey Mila." I said with a smile making her smile get bigger. "Girl we made it. No, but in all seriousness there's no one else I'd rather be doing this with than you. The first time I saw you I was hooked. Then when we ran into each other and fell on the ground back stage at the X-factor audition, I knew that I would be falling for this clumsy cuban in many other ways. We have been through so much stuff that I don't know where to begin. Crazy drama, breakups and makeups, stuff that normal couples would never go through. That's the thing. We aren't normal. Thank God we're not normal. If we were I'd be so bored. I'm glad that I'll never be bored with you. We will forever have our adventures under the moonlight or by the beach. I love you Camila."

Awes sprung throughout the areas of the service as Camila began tearing up. I pulled my hand away to quickly wipe under her waterline before grabbing her hand again.

"Now Camila, it's your turn." The priest directed her.

Camila smiled with those beautiful white teeth but her bottom lip almost started quivering, "Y/N, we've been calling each other our wives for years now. But now it's happening. Like you said before, we met on x-factor. But we fell in love on our own time. It wasn't a TV love story or even a fairytale. But you'll always be my princess. We can both try to move on from each other but I believe fate has us here in the palm of its hand just waiting for us to make a leap. Well, babe we're leaping. There are times when we fight and cry. There are even times when we won't talk to each other for hours on end, but before we go to sleep we say we love each other. We have our differences and that's what connects us. You are like the missing piece to my puzzle. The Unicorn to my rainbow. The pencil to my paper. My love." Her voice began cracking as she got more emotional, "Now, let's stop being all sweet and let's get married."

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now