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"And then we continued blissfully into our little piece of forever"
- Stephanie Meyer

2 Years Later


"Dinah Jane!" I yelled out to the lady who was texting at my table. She looked up to give me her attention and I continued, "Tell Camila to come in and help me out."

We were having a first birthday party for Camila's and my kid, Presley Cameron Cabello-Y/L/N. The Cameron was so that we could piss off Lauren.

Getting out of rehab six months after the whole situation we had put ourselves in, I was a new person. I mean, my personality hasn't changed which I think is good, but I'm not having those thoughts of not being good enough. Even though sometimes my depression can get the best of me, I do what I can to not let it.

I still drink but only on occasion and it's all responsible. I smoke but I don't rely on the high like I used to.

Eventually, Camila talked me into having a kid again. This time we were adults about it and talked it over with everyone before we caused another Emilia to pop up. Before all of this, I was really against having a kid. I didn't think I could do it. But staying away from my wife and the girls made me realize that maybe bringing something new into the world isn't all bad.

Cam's pregnancy was anything but easy but we managed to get through the mood swings, cravings, morning sickness, and the indescribable pain that I honestly refuse to go through. Camila is a trooper and so is our beautiful healthy baby girl.

Not to mention the fact that Camila snapped back into shape faster than anything. She made it a mission to get that smoking hot bod that drove me insane even though she could do that no matter what she looked like.

"Chancho!" Dinah yelled out the back door into the party that was happening outside, "Yo girl needs you."

Camila walked in with a smile on her face and a towel over her body while Dinah walked outside to leave us alone. Mostly to avoid helping us with the party.

I grabbed the plates on the counter and as I turned around to get the silverware, I felt my wife's arms wrap around my waist and her mouth nuzzled into the crook of my neck. "You should come swim, babe."

I sat the plates down as I pressed my body into hers, "I've been helping Mom cook."

Cam kissed my neck softly before pulling away to grab some of the food on the counter, "And where is Mom right now?"

"She's getting the cake from the store because you forgot to pick it up." I laughed, picking everything up again so we could go outside and sit most of the food on the tables.

We came to Miami for the celebration which meant there were tons of Cubans and Mexicans everywhere which was nice. It really felt like a family event. Not to mention the girls and Uncle Mike were here to celebrate this joyous occasion.

"Food's ready!" I yelled out and everyone started cramming around the table as soon as they heard that.

"Y/N!" Lauren yelled from the table where she was holding my baby girl. "Take your child. I want some food."

"I got her." Michael laughed softly, retrieving the kid from Lauren. "Y/N needs a break."

"I told her to go swim." Camila mentioned before walking back into the house.

"That sounds like a good idea." Dinah smirked fiendishly from the table beside Mani. She got up and slowly crept in front of me which subconsciously made me tip toe backwards. I knew what she had planned and before I could escape, she sprinted after me to pick me up by my waist and throw me over her shoulder.

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now