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After Camila and I went a few rounds of heated animalistic sex, we finally found ourselves in the living room.

Camila was laid on top of me with her head pressed onto my chest underneath some white sheets she stole from our bed upstairs.

My hands rested on her hips while I felt her body relax pressed to mine. Her skin on my skin.

"Babe." Camila said with a hoarse voice.


"Let's have a kid."

My eyes widened and I almost choked on my own spit. "Did you snort some coke while I was at read throughs?"

Camila turned her head so her chin was placed on my chest and she could look up at me, "No. I just wanna have a kid with you."

"We're 18." I tried to explain how I'm not ready to be a parent.

"So? People have kids at 16."

"Those are called 'oopsies', hun." She started to do those puppy dog eyes to make me weak. "Stop it!" I demanded.

"Babe, please. This is all that's been on my mind lately."

I sighed out, "Management wouldn't let you do this even if you tried. You do know that you and the rest of the girls are on birth control. Those little white pills y'all take once a month aren't vitamins."

"I'll go off of them and you and I can go see a doctor to start treatments."

"Babe, chill. Both of our careers are just starting. We don't need to bring a kid into this just yet. I haven't partied as much as I would like and you're basically still a kid, yourself."

She kissed my neck softly, over one of the hickeys she gave me and replied, "Babe, please. I feel like if we have this kid, everything will fall into place. I don't know. It's just this feeling deep in the pit of my stomach."

"Why are you in such a rush?" I softly brushed a stray hair out of her face.

"People don't take me seriously because I act like a kid. I can do this. I can take care of a kid and make him or her giggle and feel love."

"We'll start with a puppy." I told her.

"No. I want this. Please." She almost begged.

I sighed out, "Fine but this is all your idea. If someone gets mad-"

"I'll take the blame. I know. You'll be there, though. Right?"

My lips grazed her forehead for a short peck, "I'll always be here."


I began making us our normal breakfast of eggs, bacon, and smiley pancakes. I used the spatula to scramble the eggs while Camila sat at the counter on her computer.

"So, there are many ways we can do this. Artificial insemination, adoption, or haploidization." Camila said, taking a swig of her coffee that had more sugar in it than actual coffee.

"The fuck is a 'haploid-mination?" I kept my attention to the stove.

"It means you can put your eggs with mine and basically it acts as a sperm to create a baby."

"That doesn't sound safe." I put the egg on the plate to sit it in front of her.

"Yeah, it's experimental. So, that leaves us with two choices: inject me with sperm or let's go pick up a baby from an orphanage." Camila smiled like a kid that wanted to get a little puppy for Christmas.

"I would love to save a kid from the orphanage just as much as the next person but that'll take years... actually, let's do that." I smirked thinking this would elongate this plan.

"Fuck that." Camila responded, "I'm gonna make an appointment with the sperm bank and then you and I are gonna go together to speak to those doctors about it."

"Who's going to see a doctor?" Ally asked coming into the kitchen with the other three girls.

"Camila wants-"

She coughed to stop me from talking about it. That's when I realized that if I told them about this plan, they'd do everything in their power to stop it. Also, they'd be hella annoying and I didn't want to deal with that.

"- me to go see a doctor. I've had a lot of bad headaches lately and she just wants me to have it checked out." I lied but tried to use my acting skills so it wouldn't make us obvious.

"Dr. Fellings is good for that stuff. Maybe you should go see him." Ally suggested, taking the spatula from my hand to go back to the stove and start fixing more eggs and bacon.

Camila closed the laptop and took off her glasses to start on her breakfast feast.

"Mila, those look good! Lemme have a pancake, please." Dinah begging with her hands folded.

"Only because I love you, Cheech. Courtesy of my wifey, though." Camila said with her mouth slightly full.

Dinah pushed her face away in disgust, "Ew. Yo ratchet ass needs to learn to chew with your mouth closed."

Camila giggled and stuck out her tongue to show her chewed few which made me crack up.

"Camila, keep that tongue in your mouth unless you and Y/N are fucking." Normani joked.

Ally groaned behind me, "Can we please not talk about sex this early in the morning? It's like you guys are all some horny bunnies. First Normani was talking about Masi and his sex drive. Then we have Dinah telling us all the gory details of her past with Nela. It's way too early for me to go to confession. Okay?"

I rubbed her back softly and cooed her, "Trouble in paradise?"

"Troy has been an ass to her lately." Lauren said while putting her phone on the table in front of her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Ally breathed out, plopping another egg on the plate, "It's nothing."

"Bullshit." Lauren responded. "He yells at you about all the things you 'do wrong' and you sit there and take it. That's not okay, Mama."

"You're serious?!" I hollered. Lauren nodded in response and I grabbed my phone to head out of the kitchen, "I'll be back in like thirty minutes."

"Where are you going?" Ally asked, sitting the spatula down in the pan.

"Gonna deal with some trash. You do know your boyfriend is in a movie with me, right?" I broke the news to her and she looked so surprised.

I grabbed the keys from the floor and hurried out to my Mercedes, which I'll call Darla, and started the car.

I pressed the button on the garage but heard a knock on my window. I looked through the tinted glass to see Mama Alls banging on the door.

I rolled the window down, "What?"

"Don't go up there and yell at him." Ally ordered me.

"No one is gonna be rude to you like that because I know you're too nice to say something back. If no one speaks up, this'll just keep happening." I responded.

Ally tip toed to reach to the ignition and turned the car off to retrieve the keys. "Let it go."

"But I-"

"Just let it go. That's how I get over it. I just push it away because it's honestly the least of my worries."

I groaned, "Fine but if something bad happens, his ass is getting kicked."

"You'll be the first to know." Ally smirked to open the door and escort me out, "Now, let's go eat some breakfast." She paused before stopping me one more time, "Oh yeah."

"What?" I asked with a smiled.

She began fumbling with her words, "Please put on some pants. I know you're at home and all and you and Camila were probably doing 'the nasty' but the whole mother-daughter thing we have going makes me a little uncomfortable and I-"

"Ally. I'll go get dressed." I smirked at her awkwardness.

I guess I really shouldn't have left the house in just a long t-shirt and ugg boots.

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now