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"You coming?" Camila asked pulling up the bikini bottoms over her fit ass.

I groaned covering my head up in the sheets, "What do I get out of it if I go?"

"Love and possibly water sex depending on your attitude. Oh and exercise because we'll be swimming." She crawled into bed to kiss my neck as a way to persuade me to get up. "Plus I wanna see that sexy ass body in a swim suit if you don't mind."

I kissed her cheek and replied happily, "Well, since you put it that way, I wouldn't want to deprive you of what you wanted."

Camila cheered getting up, "I'll meet you out there, then."


After ten minutes of searching through unfolded clothes, I found my black bikini and hurried to slip it on over my bare body. I walked out of the beach house to see Camila wading in the water with her phone at eye level, taking a picture of this beautiful view.

I walked behind her to attach my hands to her hips and turn her around. She kissed my cheek, "Babe, this place is gorgeous. How long are we gonna be here because I plan on staying out here as often as possible."

I put her phone on a rock and picked her up so that her legs swung around my waist. "The whole week unless you plan on leaving earlier."

"Not a chance, babe. 'Cause when we get back to LA, we gotta finish unpacking the house."

"Ew. Let's stay here forever then."

"I guess you heard, huh?" She let go to swim out and float on her back. "That the girls got a house next to us?"

"How close is 'next'?"

She sighed out, "Well it is a new neighborhood."


"Like right next door."

I frowned and went under water to escape this conversation. I love the girls but I plan on starting a life with Camila and eventually a family. I don't need a mom, two sisters, and a kissing cousin around.

I swam further into the water to see a few small schools of fish. In all honesty, it was just as beautiful beneath the surface as it was above.

The coral and kelp below swayed as the waves passed on top.

I don't care what anyone says. This is as close to paradise as I'm ever going to get.


I laid back on the couch and Camila scooted in close to get in between my legs and press her back to my chest.

My hands rested on her waist which caused her to hold them and play with my fingers.

"So, babe." Camila spoke up to break the soft silence of wind and ocean sounds through the opened house.


"If we ever had a kid. What would you wanna name it?"

I thought about it for a second since it's not too weird to think about now that we're married. "I've never really thought about it. What about you?"

She thought for a second, "Well, I wanted Sofia or Esmerelda but those won't work anymore because the baby would get confused. Maybe since I like astrology I'd name her Luna."

"What if he's a boy?"


I chuckled, "Sun for our son? Original."

She nudged my side with her elbow, "Shut up. I don't hear you coming up with anything."

I huffed, "Fine. How about Camilo?" I joked.

She pursed her lips, "That's not funny."

"Or Karlo? Maybe even Milo."

She giggled lightly, "I'm glad you're finding this hilarious."

"Why are you thinking about this? I mean, you're not pregnant are you? If so, I am not the father. We'll need to go to Maury."

Her finger tips traced my palm, "I just- okay. Well, when we met Nicholas, I saw how you lit up when he was in your arms. It was something different to see for you. Then when you handed him to me it made me feel significant. I dunno. I liked having a little baby in my arms. Think of how amazing it'd feel to have your own little self in your arms. How that person is a part of you and someone you love. They'll walk and talk, and have their own opinions one day."

There it was. The Camila I know and love. The one who doesn't even have to think to spew out beautiful phrases. "Wow, you've really thought through this. But you and I both know management won't let this happen. It took an army to let us get together and then a war to let us get married."

Camila nodded, "Yeah, I know. But we always find a way, don't we?"

I brushed my fingers through her wavy hair, "Yeah. We really do."

"So, We have an interview when we get back?" She asked to be insured if she'd be talking to her favorite interviewer any time soon.

I kissed the back of her head, "Yupp. First day back. But let's not talk about work. Not until we get back. We're always talking about work."

"'Cause that's all we do."

She had a point. That really was all we did. Back in the day when I lived on the bus with the girls, I always thought they were worked to the bone. But now I know we're both deprived of a real social life. Although mine is worse because I dont have four other girls working with me from day to day.


After a week long of non stop sex, swimming, and being in each other's arms, we were forced to leave the beautiful beach house and fly back to the states.

Camila and I were on our way to our first interview as a newlywed and she could tell I was nervous as my foot tapped in a repeated pattern on the floor outside of the studio.

Camila rested her hand on my knee to stop my leg, "Chill, babe. We'll be fine."

"I'm just worried they'll bring shit up."

"What kind of shit?"

I sighed out, "You know how I said we'd talk about business when we got back?" She nodded licking those lips to distract me a bit, "Well, they may mention that-"

Ryan walked out of the studio with his hair all styled and a pearly white smile made on his face, "There's my favorite couple."

We got up and Camila ran into his arms to give him a hug then I was next.

"You two should go ahead and get in here and sit in those seats in front of me. I'll be back. I need some water. Do y'all want anything?"

"Water." I told him and he smiled leaving us to tend to ourselves.

Camila and I sat down to put on the red beats headphones. Her hand trailed down to pull my hand in her lap and interlock her fingers with mine while her thumb caressed the top of my hand. "Relax." She whispered.

Ryan walked in and handed me the bottle of VOS water. I retrieved it from his hand and took a quick sip.

He began explaining how all of this would go but the whole time I kept thinking:

what did I get myself into?

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now