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I entered the living room with Camila close by to see all of the girls seated within the four walls. Their silence was strong.

"I thought we were done with intervintions." I whined.

"This is for Camila." Lauren spoke up.

I looked over at Camila while I took a seat.

"What happened?" I asked curiously, seeing my wife tense up all over. Not much to give it away if you didn't know her.

"Yeah, Camila. What happened?" Lauren taunted the younger girl, "Please. Tell us."

Camila gulped but kept quiet.

"Babe, if you have nothing to hide, speak. But you're looking a little guilty now." I pointed out.

"Can we please not make a big deal out of this?" Camila rolled her eyes.

"Not make a big deal? Are you serious?" Lauren angrily spewed, "First of all, why would you agree to be Taylor Swift's date to the VMAs and then agree to do a solo performance? A SOLO. Seriously. We've all discussed this before." Camila chewed on her bottom lip, glaring to the ground. "I don't hear you speaking. Do you understand this is Fifth Harmony? You don't promote yourself, you promote us. If you don't promo us, no one will. You know management doesn't do shit to promote."

"Woah woah woah." I got in between them to look into Camila's eyes, "Is this true?"

"Please do not make a big deal about this." Camila shook her head. "You all should be happy for me. I would be if your fave asked you to do this."

"Not at the VMA's. Do you know how big that is? That doesn't make us look like a group. It doesn't look like you're supporting us. It's been like that a lot lately." Lauren paused for a moment and noticed Camila wasn't going to say anything. "This isn't Camila and Fourth Harmony. Ya know?"

"Enough." Mila grew tired of the badgering. "Just fucking stop. She wouldn't let me say no. She just kept bothering me so I finally gave in. I didn't think it'd be this big of a deal."

"You're so full of bullshit." Ally laughed.

"Ma.." I whined. I wanted them to go easy on Camila even though I was pissed about it. I just hated when they picked on Camila because they could get kinda cruel.

"She is." Ally retorted. "Mila hunny, you are smarter than that. You knew we'd be pissed but you did it anyways. I mean, do you even want to be a group anymore?"

"Of course." Camila pleaded with a long sigh.

"Then next time, act like it. We can't change the VMA set now but next time, you and I are going to have a problem." Ally warned Camila, getting up to push passed her. Ally kissed my cheek, "Night Y/N."

Everyone left Camila and I in the room.

Camila looked up at me with puffy eyes, "Babe, I can explain."

She grabbed my arm but I yanked it away, "I warned you. Now they're pissed. I can't do anything anymore."

I started walking to the bedroom to eventually crash land on the bed to get into a comfy position and fall asleep.


I woke up the next morning to see the girls eating. Camila was still upstairs but it was mostly because she didn't want to be around the girls right now. Their cold shoulders are some of the harshest things to do. They know how to hold a grudge especially to her.

So, usually it begins with silence everywhere we go. Then the eye rolls, then they go talk to another person. It's honestly the cruelest thing. I've seen them do it to her a lot before and she was so sad half the time.

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now