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I was in the bathroom, taking my frustrations out on myself when I heard a knock on my hotel room. My eyes got wide and I hurried to collect my razors and stash them into my shower bag. While grabbing the wet rag from my bathroom, I unlocked the bathroom door to speak to the people outside of the room who kept knocking, "Who is it?"

"Y/N, hurry. We can't be seen out here." Normani shakily said.

Fuck me. My luck sucks.

"One second." I responded quickly.

I roughly wiped my arms off before throwing the rag into my bag to hide it. My arms stung but I had to block that thought out as I ran to my suitcase to find my favorite Y&R crew neck. They didn't need to know about this. It would only make things worse.

I ran back to the door to unlock and open it. Five girls piled inside quickly and I shut the door behind them.

"What are you doing here?" My voice was shaking just from the fact that I was so close to being caught.

"Will is back for this week and he felt bad so he's letting us see you as long as we stay out of trouble." Dinah explained.

I was pulled into a hug by Dinah, Normani, and Lauren but when they let go and I looked back, Camila and Ally were sitting on the edge of my bed with their heads low.

I went to the girls and knelt down in front of them, "Please don't act like this." I begged. It was killing me to see them so lifeless.

I nudged up Camila's face to look into her beautiful eyes but they seemed so dull and red. "Babe, look at me. Tell me what's wrong."

At first she tried to ignore me just like Ally was doing, but finally I broke her down. Camila sniffled and grabbed my hand to softly say, "I'm pregnant."

"Wait.. What?"

"They aren't letting me keep him." She continued while having another tear drop down her cheek. "Management is making me have an..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She broke down before she could explain further.

I pulled her head to lay on my shoulder and I softly rubbed her back to coo her. I didn't know what to say or how to say it. She was breaking just like me. Except this was something she had been bothering me about for months on end. A living thing was growing inside of her and she wasn't allowed to keep it.

"Quit." I told her.

She stopped her crying fit a little before responding, "What?"

"You heard me. I said to quit." I told her sternly.

"I'm not quitting this job. Fifth Harmony is every thing to me and them. What do you mean, 'quit'? Are you high right now?" Camila was starting to lose the sadness and gain some anger.

"You should all just quit." I responded, "How are they going to replace all five girls from Fifth Harmony?"

"They did it in Destiny's Child." Normani spoke up.

"Look," Lauren put her hand on my shoulder, "I know you're trying to help, Y/N, but there's absolutely nothing we can do. We've called our parents to tell them to get lawyers and even the lawyers can't get us out of this. If we quit we will be black balled in this industry."

"So what? I just lose my kid and you all keep looking miserable as fuck?" I started to get a bit heated, "This is the quietest I've ever seen Ally around me. Have you guys even noticed that she won't look at me? When there's something wrong with you girls, how do you expect me to just sit back and watch you all crumble."

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now