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We drove up to our house right inside the 90210. It was actually pretty big. When Camila and I saw it, we automatically knew it was the place for us. The beautiful house included 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, two lofts, a den, living room, beautifully created kitchen, and dining room. Don't even get me started on the backyard. This place was the perfect place for us.

Since it was new, we both had an idea of what we'd wanna do with the house to make it our own. Camila plans on making a music room for herself. Which I'm sure she'll put a recording booth in there eventually but right now she's really wanted to get a few guitars and a keyboard in there.

I just want a chill room. Like a room with a futon, TV, speakers, comfy chairs. Stuff like that. A place to get away from the outside world. Away from the rumors, stress, and people.

I cradled Camila over threshold once again because this is where it would really matter. I remember hearing a old Belgium superstition said something about how they believed that carrying someone over the threshold protected that person from the evil spirits below. And in all honesty, we don't need anymore evil in our lives.

I sat her down on the ground of our house and looked up to see all of the boxes that weren't there before.

"I guess Dad actually brought everything over." Camila laughed grazing her hands over the cardboard boxes, "He said he wanted to help out while we were on the honeymoon. We'll have to call and say thanks later."

I nodded and kissed the top of her head, "Ok. Well, I'm gonna go unpack everything upstairs."

"Don't go to bed! We're going out in a little bit with the girls." Camila ordered.

"Yeah, yeah."

I ran up the staircase to go to our room and I noticed that there was box after box piled up in here. In all honesty, I wanna just find my Percs and take a nap. Jet lag can be a bitch. I walked into the master bathroom to go underneath the sink and grab one of the bottles taped there. Just until I'm able to tell Camila that I'm taking them again.

I've noticed there's a lot more secrets between her and I now than before. Well, shit.

I popped two in my mouth and swallowed them down dry. They actually don't do as much damage to me nowadays. Or at least it's not as noticeable because I know how to control myself at this point even though I'm usually really fucked up.

I walked out of the room to see Ally waiting on my bed on her phone.

She looked up to see me and smiled, "There's my beautiful, baby girl." I got into the mama bear snuggle and almost couldn't breathe.

"How are you, mama?" I smiled kissing her cheek.

She smiled back, "Better now that the gang is back together."

"Well, since the gang is together, you wanna help the gang out and unpack some boxes."

Ally nodded, "You want me to get the other girls in here?"

I shook my head, "Nah, I think we can do this."

I grabbed a few boxes and sat them on my bed before starting to open and look through them. The first box I opened was full of makeup. And I know it wasn't mine because there was tons of it. I'm good with a little concealer and eyeliner. But there was everything from foundation to eyeshadow. I sat that box to the side.

"Oh my God!" Ally screamed.

"What?" I asked walking over to the now closed box. She handed me an unopened envelope with mine and Camila's names on it before walking out to calm her nerves.

I ripped the envelope open to pull the card out.

Y/N and Camila,

here's a little something to spice up the bedroom ;)

- Dinah and Lauren

I opened the box back up to see a Sybian just chilling inside of the cardboard. I laughed but then I realized, Ally saw this. She's so scarred now.

I walked to the door frame and yelled out, "EVERYONE EXCEPT ALLY AND NORMANI NEEDS TO GET IN HERE NOW!"

A few seconds later, three girls ran into the bedroom.

I handed the card to Dinah, "Explain this."

Dinah looked inside to turn to Lauren and laugh, "Have you seen the present yet?"

"We got a present?!" Camila said excited.

"Yeah, I saw it. But guess who saw it first and freaked out?" I scolded them and they gave me a dumb look. "Ally. She's probably praying and burning sage around this fucking place."

"She's Christian not Catholic." Lauren smirked.

"What is it?!" Camila was growing impatient.

"Go to that box right there." I told her before nudging the girls, "Next time you get us a dick saddle, don't fucking put it in a normal cardboard box because she was trying to help me unpack. Now I'm sure she thinks we're kinky ass people."

"But you are." Dinah giggled.

I pushed them out of the room, "Go find Ally and calm her down, assholes."

I turned around to see Camila rummaging through her make-up, "Is this the present because I already have all of this stuff."

My hand reached for her arm to pull her off of the ground towards the actual box. "Open it." I told her.

Mila pulled the box open and her eyes shot open looking at me, "Did you buy this?"

I shook my head, "Dinah and Lauren got it for us because apparently we don't have enough spice in our sex life."

"Well, they wouldn't have said that if they saw us in Brazil." Camila said with a seductive voice. Almost if this present turned her on in a way I haven't ever seen.

"Um, okay. Stop. Don't say it like that because we cannot fuck with the girls being only a few feet away." I warned her even though we had done that many times on the tour bus.

Her eyes scanned my face and she grabbed my cheeks, "What's wrong? You're really pale and your eyes are kinda red."

I pushed her hands off of me, "I just wanna rest but that's obviously not gonna happen."

Camila kissed my cheek, "Okay, babe. I'm sorry. I just wanna be around you. And you can tell me with the girls about Experiments and the album."

"Please just let me sleep." I begged her pressing my face into her neck making her ticklish.

Mila did her best to push me off but I locked my arms around her waist so she couldn't get away.

She giggled softly into my ear, "Lemme go so we can leave."

"Not unless you're gonna let me stay here and rest."

"I'm gonna lick your face if you don't stop." She was close to a laughing fit.

"Ew. Don't lick me." I smiled.

I felt a wet trail on the side of my face and laughed. I knew the exact thing to get her back since she's super ticklish.

I blew softly on her neck then alternated kissing making her squirm.

She was now hysterical, "Babe, s-stop. My side hurts."

"You gonna let me rest?"

"N-not a ch-chance." Mila finally got the words out.

I knew I wasn't gonna get my way, so I let her go so she could catch her breath.

"Your gonna regret that." Camila warned me with a mischevious smile.

I kissed her temple, "I highly doubt that."

Our Little Forever ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now