chapter 55

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Dongfang Boyan got up very early, and he didn't go to the gym, so he sat on the edge of the bed, read the documents for a while, and then looked at the little pregnant man on the bed for a while.

The little one was so tired of getting pregnant that she tried to help him out last night, but she went to sleep sleepy and tilted her head in less than an hour.

Such a delicate little thing, do not dare to let him help a little more, before giving birth to the baby, also resolutely can not let him do too heavy work.

Even if he does not want to, he must forcefully refuse his job request!

What drama shooting commercial shooting X small video is not allowed!

The cute teenager on the bed opened his eyes, and his large light brown eyes were still dazed and distracted.

He reached out and touched it, only to touch the soft bedding of the bed, anxiously searching for something.

Dongfang Boyan smiled and reached over to grasp his slender wrist and said in a deep voice, "Husband is here, he has not left." You were too tired yesterday, take another break. The

little pregnant man asked him fiercely, "Did you catch that pile of crystal jewels?"

"Of course it was fished out." Dongfang Boyan glanced at the lockbox in the corner. "There it is."

Yuan Chaoyu put his mind at ease, looking at the man's handsome face and smiling thin lips, he was uncomfortable.

He forced himself to be calm: "Husband, why don't you go out to work today?"

Dongfang Boyan: "Tomorrow there will be something, today I will accompany you." He spends

a few days out socializing, and rarely has a moment of leisure, just wanting to take good care of his pregnant little lover.

Yuan Chaoyu lifted the quilt and got up.

Dongfang Boyan gave him shoes. <

Yuan Dynasty rain brushing teeth.

Dongfang Boyan squeezed toothpaste for him.

Yuan Chaoyu changed clothes.

Dongfang Boyan wants to help him...

"Wow, husband, you go out duck, don't be here." Yuan Chaoyu was mad, how this dead man looked like a fart worm!

Dongfang Boyan, who had never done chores before, gathered up his careful thoughts, he bounced the ash on his nose and went out to call breakfast for the little guy.

Because the months have become larger, the pregnant man's nutritious meals in the Yuan Dynasty have changed again.

The nutritionist replaced his breakfast milk with freshly beaten banana milk, which was rich in more vitamins.

Yuan Chaoyu took the banana milk and sniffed it, forcing himself to pinch his nose and take a sip, but he still couldn't accept it.

He was originally allergic to bananas.

Now the allergy to bananas doesn't exist, but I'm still scared to smell it.

"What's wrong, bad appetite, do you want to call a doctor?" The man sitting next to him asked anxiously.

The little pregnant man shook his head and whispered, "I don't like this taste." "

Immediately withdraw and replace the breakfast cook." Dongfang Boyan said.

But he changed his mind, picked up the cup that the little guy had drunk, and took a sip of the sticky banana milk.

Yuan Chaoyu stared at him with wide eyes.

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