Sleep with me

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'Lan Zhan what are you doing? Yes , Wei Ying is cute and adorable and naughty and sweet... but you have always known what a big flirt he is... He would flirt with a God damn rock if he feels like it... So him talking to you this casually is just his way of teasing you... It doesn't mean he likes you the way you like him... ' Lan Zhan's logically side of brain reminds him.

Lan Zhan steps away from his friend and says, "Wei Ying, it's late. Go to bed." The he turns away from Wei Ying and starts walking to the other end of the room.

Wei Ying who was a little shook because of Lan Zhan's close proximity and the way Lan Zhan had smiled at him while cupping his face, regains his composure.
Lan Zhan's words about going to bed register in his mind. He calls out to his friend, "Lan Zhan... don't... don't ..."

Lan Zhan turns to look at Wei Ying. He can sense hesitation and worry in his voice. He asks, "What is it?"

"Lan Zhan... I don't want it to sound flirtatious but... Please sleep with me." Wei Ying blurts out and looks at anywhere but him.

"What?" Lan Zhan says breathlessly and thinks, 'Is he for real! I just told him not to flirt with me unless he means it... And he is at it again???'

"Lan Zhan, it's not what you think. It's about that dream demon. I think it can attack us again..." Wei Ying takes a deep breath and starts explaining, " I think the reason you stopped before Before you went all the way with me has something to do with your headband."

"What do you mean?" Lan Zhan asks... his curiosity peaking .

Wei Ying starts pacing around his room and starts explaining, "The dream demon is a very powerful demon. Once it selects it's victims they  are as good as dead. This particular demon wanted you to kill me and then kill yourself....but why did it not select me to kill you?  ...I think it's because at the time when it was searching for a body to possess it could not enter mine."

"Why?" Lan Zhan asks.
"I maybe wrong ,but at that time I had your headband tied around my neck... Lan Zhan... sorry about that." Wei Ying says smiling guiltily and continues, " The Lan headband is sacred and has pure magic within it. It has been known to resist evil... Am I right?"


"So, since it was on me at that moment, the dream demon couldn't possess me. So the only other unprotected target was you. That would also explain why when you... you tried to..."  Wei Ying pauses unable to continue.

Lan Zhan continues for him, "So when I tried to take you, my hand touched the headband lying on your chest and I was snapped back to reality....but... "

"But even after you saw that you had not hurt me you still wanted to kill yourself...That's what confused me too. But then I remembered that dream demon can manipulate emotions too once they are let in.... So even after knowing the truth your mind failed to process it. In your mind you had already done something unforgivable and the only way to absolve for that was to kill yourself."

"But... I didn't.. " Lan Zhan says, still confused.

"Yes... You didn't kill yourself my friend... And that is because I got angry and attracted resentful energy... The residual resentful energy left in your mind by the dream demon was attracted to me. So it left your mind and came to me....Of course this is just my guess as of now. " Wei Ying explains. He sees Lan Zhan looking worried so he adds,  "Resentful energy can't harm me Lan Zhan. I control them. I am after all Yiling patriarch." Then Wei Ying smiles reassuringly at his friend.

Lan Zhan visibly relaxes.

"So Lan Zhan, since the demon may attack us while we are sleeping I need both of us the share the headband... And that is only possible if you sleep with me.... So please sleep with me." Wei Ying says holding Lan Zhan's gaze.

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