An Unexpected Realization

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The glowing butterfly lands on Lan Zhan's open palm and transforms into a parchment paper.

"Is the Zewu Jun?" Wei Ying asks hopefully. 

Lan Zhan shakes his head. "It's Jiang Cheng." The light bearer states and starts reading the letter.

Lan Wangji, 

We have reached Lotus Cove, and all is well at our end. But I am worried about your brother. Though Meng Yao is his sworn brother, he knows that he has already betrayed Zewu Jun's trust. I am afraid that some calamity has befallen your brother. 

Lan Zhan stops and caresses a spot on the paper in his hands.

"Is that it?" Wei Ying questions, and Lan Zhan hands over the letter to him, "The writing here, " he older man points at a spot where the writing is blotched and adds, "what do you make of it?"

Wei Ying's brows knit, "Lan Zhan, I think Jiang Cheng was crying while writing this." The Yiling patriarch pauses and shakes his head in confusion, "But why? Jiang Cheng is not that sort of man." He wonders aloud.

"Read ahead," Lan Zhan instructs, and Wei Ying starts reading.

I can't feel your brothers presence. I tried it with his headband too. I sensed nothing. I am worried about him, Hanguang Jun. I think he needs you right now. Please find him. I beg you.

Jiang Wanyin. 

Wei Ying looks up from the letter and catches Lan Zhan's eyes. A look of understanding passes between them as both of them recall how Jiang Cheng had risked his life for the older Jade, without caring for his safety, in the wee hours of the morning.

"Lan Zhan, are you thinking what I am thinking?"

"Jiang Wanyin is in love with my brother." Lan Zhan confirms, voicing both their thoughts.

"Well, I must admit that I did not see that coming. But now that I think about it, the signs were there. We just missed them."

Lan Zhan nods, "No wonder the bond worked so flawlessly. Clan leader Jiang must have had these feelings for brother, for some time now."

"Stupid fuck." Wei Ying mutters under his breath and folds the paper before putting it inside the front of his robes.
"Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng has the headband, I think I can use my skills to track down Zewu Jun if I can get my hands on it."

"Can't you use mine?" Lan Zhan questions, making Wei Ying smile, "I am afraid not, since we are bound, your headband's loyalty, just like Bichen's, has shifted to me. Zewu Jun, however, is technically a free man. At least, for now. His headband is his most personal thing; I am hoping that his connection with it may help us track him."

Lan Zhan nods and voices his thoughts, "Wei Ying, we don't have enough time to make it to Lotus Cove and back." The light bearer pauses and looks at where he had bid farewell to his brother, "And brother took a path which would only lead him further away from Lotus Cove. I am worried that we might not get to him in time."

Wei Ying is silent for a few minutes. He closes his eyes and tries to take stock of the situation. Then it comes to him; an idea. He opens his eyes and smirks. "Lan Zhan, I have got it!" He exclaims, and runs to where Su She is lying bound and unconscious.

"What is it, Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan follows his husband, who is crouching next to the unconscious clan leader.

"Lan Zhan, Su She knows how to teleport." Wei Ying pauses and looks at his husband hesitantly, "I know what I am going to suggest may not be... "

"Do it." Lan Zhan cuts in, "He doesn't deserve to be given a choice." Lan Zhan adds uncharacteristically.

Having no time to spare, the Yiling patriarch gets to work. He uses the power of Ying iron and empathy, to get the information he needs, out of Su She's mind. He goes a step further, and probes deeper into the man's soul as well, whilst Lan Zhan plays a calming tune on his zither.

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