Special 8: A Day and a Night

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{Note :- Sub story arc 8 picks up where 7 left off.
All special arc chapters connect to the main arc.}

That had been the first night that Wangji had shared a room with Wei Ying.

When Wangji had woken up, he had found himself on the floor instead of the bed. He had felt weak and drained.

When he had looked to the side he had seen Wei Ying laughing at something... someone actually. That someone had been none other than Wangji.

Wangji had immediately felt embarrassed and angry at the same time.

"Lan Zhan...hehe, do you remember what you did last night?" Wei Ying had asked coming closer.

Wangji had stood up and taken a few steps away from Wei Ying.
"No." Wangji had lied and added, "Don't come closer."
Wangji had gotten confused.

According to what had happened... what he had done, Wei Ying should have been upset or angry.
But Wei Ying instead, had been smiling.
'Had he liked it.'Wangji had thought hopefully.

"Lan Zhan, I like you better when you are drunk...hehe....you talk more." Wei Ying had said and smiled.

"What.. What did I say?" Wangji had asked. He had not forgotten anything... He had remembered every single thing that had happened between them.
His face had flushed then and Wei Ying had thought that Wangji was embarrassed.

"Hehe, Lan Zhan...I am sorry I was just kidding. You just drank and fell asleep... Hehe...Lan Zhan you clearly can't hold your liquor." Wei Ying had said smiling.

'He doesn't remember.. He doesn't remember anything.' Wangji had realized then. He had felt utterly confused.
He felt relieved...he had felt angry... He had felt embarrassed...but above all, he had felt guilty.

That is exactly when the disciples had entered the room to escort them to be punished.

Wangji had walked ahead. He had gone looking for his brother.

He had found both Uncle and Zewu Jun looking very disappointed.

"Uncle, Wangji is here to be punished." He had said, bowing to them.

"Wangji, I can't believe it. I am sure it was that Wei Wuxian." The uncle had said shaking his head.

"Uncle, it was me. Please punish me." Wangji had begged.

"Wangji, I know you don't drink. You must have been tricked somehow." Uncle had offered an escape again.
Uncle had really not wanted to punish his favorite nephew.

"It was me. I was in the wrong. I want to be punished." Wangji had continued stubbornly.

"Wangji!" This had angered the uncle finally.
"All of you will be punished." He had ordered.

'Wei Ying... sorry.' Wangji's heart had whispered.
This was the first time Wangji had failed to protect 'his boy'

So when the time for getting punished had come he had willingly received the punishment.

Truth be told, even though his body was being targeted for punishment... It was his heart that had hurt far more looking at Wei Ying getting beaten up right in front of his eyes.

After the punishment Wangji had rushed of to the cold spring.

Even while soaking in the spring his mind had wandered of to the events of the night before.
'Wrong.. I must not go near him... I hurt him twice already... What is wrong with me.' Wangji had thought.

But the more he had thought about distancing himself from Wei Ying.. the worse it had hurt in his heart.

'I must go to the library and search for a cure.' He had told himself.

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