It's the Lan way...

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Only a few minutes have passed since Wei Ying had fallen asleep in the Light Bearer's arms when Lan Zhan spots a glowing butterfly at the window.

Lan Zhan leaves the bed and the butterfly flies over to him.

Lan Zhan cleans himself, gets dressed and walks out of their room .

Once outside he looks around the perimeter checking for any suspicious people or activity.
When he is satisfied he walks to Jiang Cheng's room.

"Jiang Wanyin" Lan Zhan calls knocking at the clan leader's room.

When there is no response Lan Zhan adds, "I need to talk to you about Brother.. "

The door opens to reveal a very flushed looking Clan leader.
The flush on Jiang Cheng deepens when his eyes fall on Lan Zhan.

'Lan Er gege.... Ah!' Jiang Cheng's mind recalls what he should most definitely erase from his mind... He has to burn it out of his mind some way or he would never be able to look at Lan... No.. Just Wangji..

Lan Zhan has never once seen Jiang Cheng in this state. He stares.
He knows this look.
This is exactly how Wei Ying had looked just minutes before he...when he had been with Wei Ying.
'Was he with a lady? Did I disturb him when... But the Clan leader is not married... Oh! maybe he has someone.'
Lan Zhan gulps.

The awkward silence stretches as both men look at each other tongue-tied.

Finally Lan Zhan speaks with his eyes on the floor, "Brother...he... "

Jiang Cheng panics, "Is Zewu Jun ok? Is he in trouble? Is he not coming tomorrow?"

Lan Zhan has never seen the Clan leader so out of sorts.
'Maybe he is under a spell or maybe the demon cursed him before we were able to subdue it.'

Wangji's cultivation level has improved tremendously over the last decade or so... But when it comes to matters of the heart, he has made little progress. Wangji has once again attributed Jiang Cheng's worry and concern for Zewu Jun, to him being under a curse.

"Clan leader, Brother is fine. He sent a message confirming what Wei Ying had already guessed." Lan Zhan informs.

"So it was afterall Meng Yao." Jiang Cheng sighs, "Zewu Jun must be feeling betrayed. He must be sad."

'He is definitely under a curse.' Lan Zhan sighs internally before continuing, "He heard Meng Yao say that he wanted Clan Jiang to fall."

"How dare he betray Zewu Jun like that!?" Jiang Cheng says, his tone and temper rising.

"Jiang Wanyin! Focus." Lan Zhan says sternly adding, "Meng Yao is planning to use Jin Ling to get to you. To control you and the Jin Clan."

Hearing Jin Ling's name finally brings Jiang Cheng out of his... not very pure thoughts. He blinks as if he has finally heard what Lan Zhan had been trying to tell him.
"That fucking bastard! Jin Ling is his nephew too. He has practically raised him... I thought he loved Jin Ling." Jiang Cheng shouts again.

"Clan Leader, once we leave, you need to do everything in your power to convince Meng Yao that you have got nothing to do with us. You need to act like before." Lan Zhan says without meeting clan Leader's eyes.

'He wants me to act like the jerk that I have been for the past decade.' Jiang Cheng thinks as the feeling of guilt makes its way into his heart.


"Brother wants you to ignore him completely." Lan Zhan says, and when Jiang Cheng gives a blank look, he adds, "Meng Yao might suspect you and brother of hiding something if he sees you being polite to him."

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