Blood Spell

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Wei Ying performs the blood spell. By the end of it there are four cuts on Lan Zhan's chest and four symbols on Wei Ying's body.

Lan Zhan puts a charm on his wounds and a clear film appears on the wounds. The bleeding stops.

Both men get dressed.

Wei Ying, having drawn the symbols on the body sits down with his back resting on the cave wall.

He starts playing a tune on his flute. The tune is sad and melancholy in nature. It's painful notes move Lan Zhan to tears.

Within a minute or so, black smoke starts swirling around his body. He stops the music and the black smoke enters him.

Wei Ying's eyes turn red for just a second before going back to normal.

Wei Ying stands up..but he sways on the spot. He looks weak and drained. Like all his energy has been sucked away. He tries to smile but ends up wincing instead.

Lan Zhan tries to hold him but he puts his hands up and stops him from coming closer.
"Lan Zhan, it won't work if you touch me." Wei Ying says wincing in a low pained voice.

Wei Ying takes support on the cave wall.
"I feel the pull. We have take the tunnel on the left." Wei Ying says and starts walking towards the left tunnel.
Lan Zhan follows at a safe distance.

They walk slowly and come encounter two more forked tunnels. Everytime Wei Ying picks the left one.
The cave opens up after they have walked into the left tunnel of the third forked tunnel that they encounter.

There is a stone box placed right at it's center. The walls are made of red marble with something akin to black slime seeping through the cracks.
It looks positively hideous.

Wei Ying clutches his heart again and walks towards the box.
Lan Zhan opens the wooden chest and looks inside.
"There is nothing in here Wei Ying. Just smoke." Lan Zhan says in low voice while peering into the box.

"Lan Zhan, stay back." Wei Ying orders and takes out his flute again.
He starts playing a tune which is familiar yet very different from anything Lan Zhan has ever heard.

The smoke in the wooden chest starts to clear up and a dark object the size of a fist rises up.
Wei Ying stops playing and gasps.
"Tiger Yin Seal! ' Wei Ying says in a whisper looking like he saw a ghost.

It's Tiger Yin Seal... But it's shadow of  it's former glorious self. It looks like someone has done a bad job of trying to attach it's broken pieces together.

"Lan Zhan, trap it." Wei Ying instructs and Lan Zhan takes out a pouch from his outer robes and beckons the seal into it. Then he ties it.
That was a mistake.

As soon at the seal disappears into the pouch, loud screams echo in the cave and the black slime like substance leaking from the cave walls comes flying towards the only living things in the area.

Lan Zhan immediately pulls Wei Ying next to him a puts a protective ward around them.

No sooner does Wei Ying's skin come in contact with Lan Zhan's,  the blood spell is broken and the heaviness that Wei Ying had been feeling disappears.
The black slime like substances hit the protection ward and fall to the floor one by one.

Once they hit the floor black smoke rises from them and starts to penetrate the ward inch by inch.

Lan Zhan's face contorts in pain. Bichen's glow that had been steady starts flickering. It looses it's glow bit by bit

"Lan Zhan! What is it?" Wei Ying  asks panicking as Lan Zhan's knees give way and he falls and hits the cave floor with a thud.

Lan Zhan is in too much pain to answer.
'He is using too much power. He will exhaust himself if this continues. I need to deal with this dark energy myself...but if I use... ' Wei Ying tells himself, but before he can continue his thought his eyes fall on Lan Zhan.

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