Naughty Intentions

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{Note :- Readers discretion advised. Mind mature content.}

Every day, as a part of the healing process, the Yiling patriarch was supposed to visit the cold springs. The first day when the physician had told him that he absolutely could not get out of it, he had made a deal with Lan Zhan in exchange for cooperating with him.
"Lan Zhan," He had said, braiding his husband's hair, "You know I hate the cold, but still you want me to visit that wretched place."


"What's in it for me?"

"It will help you heal." Lan Zhan had replied emotionlessly.

"Yes, but why should I suffer alone."

"What do you want?" Lan Zhan had sighed and enquired, turning to his husband.

"Since the past eight days, you haven't touched me."

"Wei... " Lan Zhan had tried to interrupt, but the latter had kept going, "What if when I am finally better, my body forgets how you used to make it feel. Hm?"

"You are spouting nonsense. That's not how it works."

"Are you sure?"

By then, the younger Jade had already started feeling hot. It hadn't helped that his husband was stroking his thigh absentmindedly while talking about touching and feeling.

Not being able to bear it any longer, the man in white had relented, "What do you need, Wei Ying?"

"After we visit the cold springs, I need you to bathe me in hot water exactly how I want. You know, to remove the chill from my body." Wei Ying had an evil glint in his eyes when he had said it.

Lan Zhan, bring the pure man he was, had thought nothing of it. Instead, he had gotten worried, "Do you still feel fatigued?"

"Lan Zhan, haven't you been too cruel to me for this past week? The least you can do is help me bathe." Wei Ying had complained and directed his deadliest weapon at his husband: his pout.

The past week had been nothing but torture for the cultivation partners as the medicine the younger was consuming had left him weak while healing him. Sometimes he used to wake up drenched in cold sweat, while at other times, even sitting next to a fire wasn't enough to warm him up. Lan Zhan had done his best to take care of the love of his life in every way he could. The hardest part was to avoid getting intimate with him when the latter used to beg for kisses. Yes, Lan Zhan knew that kissing wouldn't hurt, but on the first day when he had complied with Wei Ying's wish: to be kissed, the light bearer's control had slipped, which had resulted in one of the wounds to reopen.

Lan Zhan had felt guilty, even as Wei Ying had insisted that he was fine and that it was not his fault. The light bearer had immediately sent for the physician, who had said nothing, but had looked at the latter so disapprovingly that Lan Zhan had felt ashamed of himself.

"Master Wei, you need to be more careful. You just added two more days to your recovery time!" He had informed the Yiling patriarch before leaving.

Just as Elder Bao had exited the jingshin, Lan Zhan had caught up with him. "Elder, I am sorry. But I need to ask you something." He had requested. And after the old man had gestured him to continue, he had asked hesitantly, "Elder, just now, I did not intend to do that...I thought that I could control- " The thing the light bearer wanted to ask was indeed very private, so he had trailed off, hoping that the intuitive physician would fill in the rest.

Lucky for him, the physician had understood and replied, "The resentful energy still lingers on him. Master Wei tried to manipulate that which is almost impossible to control fully in the mortal realm. To make matters worse, he dared to do it in the in-between realm. Hanguang Jun, you share a core..."

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